May 28, 2005 11:44
So here I am at the ticket office, trying to get over the most recent trauma in my life: almost hitting a baby gopher that was trying to cross 193! Fortunately, I was able to swerve out of the way in time to miss the little guy, but I fear that he probably was not so lucky with all the traffic that followed me. I tried not to look back.
Speaking of nature, I recently found something WONDERFUL! That something wonderful is Paint Branch Trail. It is this random trail that starts on Cherry Hill Road and spits you out at Lake Artemesia. The whole thing spans a little more than four miles in one direction and it is fabulous. I have been on it twice, once with Andrew, and have seen a dog park, little kids playing baseball, deer, and a little troll-like woman with a blue mole. Not kidding. It makes me mad that I wasted all that time last summer running around the track at High Point when I could have been running up and down Paint Branch Trail. Oh well. It was clearly meant to be a find of Summer 2005. Oh, and PS: on the trail one can get to campus. So I will definitely end up parking at Cherry Hill Park and actually walking to school some days next semester, just for fun.
Last night I saw Kiss of the Spiderwoman at KAT, and I was very impressed. I had never seen Kiss before, and I think last night was a great introduction to it. I want to get the soundtrack now. Congrats to Craig and the entire cast/crew for tackling a very challenging show. Congrats to Karissa for jumping in and playing the lead with only three weeks to prepare! Congrats to Andy for being beyond gorgeous (I don't even care if he, by some freak chance, reads's TRUE) and truly fabulous as Valentin. And congrats to Diego for a wonderfully moving performance. You took Molina, a character that easily could have turned into a caricature, and really let him shine with so much integrity. I am so proud of you!
Speaking of wonderful shows, I HIGHLY suggest that everyone go see Big River at Ford's Theatre. The last performance is on June 4th. It is a musical based on the story of Huck Finn, with music by Roger Miller (of "Robin Hood and Little John walkin' through the forest"/ "Oo-de-lally" fame). The cast is half-deaf, half-hearing, and I don't want to tell you any more than that. The guy who plays Jim is out of control good. Linda, the deaf librarian from Sesame Street, is actually IN the show. And, I have a sneaky crush on the guy who plays Huck. I met him at the Helen Hayes and got my picture taken with him! The picture is currently the desktop background of my computer. Shh. Don't judge. So, go see Big River at Ford's. If nothing else, to see my future husband on stage. What? Who SAID that...? No, seriously, the show will change your life. I, for one, really want to learn sign language now! Speaking of which, does anyone know where I can learn? If you do, please let me know.
I guess I have been seeing quite a bit of theatre lately, and hopefully the trend will continue. I am going to see my dear Ryan "Repeat" Manning in The Fantasticks at the Arts Barn tonight. I hope his throat is feeling better. And I also hope that I don't go into cardiac arrest when I step into the Arts Barn for the first time since Songs For A New World. There's no telling what I may do if that woman says anything to Lacey or me. Lacey, promise you won't hold me back. But I wish Ryan broken legs and a healed throat for his performance tonight!
Speaking of my little Ryan, he will be moving out of our little PMV familia by the end of the summer. The little scamp's growing up and moving on to bigger and better living situations...I guess it's time to clip his wings and let him fly. And just adding to the trauma of his departure, in his place we are getting Chris Wilson. How depressing is that? I can't stand Chris Wilson. He thinks he's so cool, but he's so not.
I'm just kidding! I heart you, Chris "Mile-High Equity" Wilson! And I look forward to spending every waking moment with you, as usual. Even though the the Dark Lord Satan made it so that you were cast in a show that I will not be in (heaven FORFEND!), we still called upon the angels of goodness and light and made-up foreign languages that only we understand ("Ackabukabaygey?") to make it so that we will live and work together next year. If I have nightmares next year, I'm definitely waking you up in the middle of the night, jumping on your bed and screaming like an infant. Just be prepared. Oh, Christopher. I can't wait to have Girls Nights with you, me, and Lacey. We will watch chick flicks, eat junk food, give each other manicures, facials, and play MASH into the wee small hours of the morning...
Wow, this is the longest entry ever. I guess that's what happens when you don't update in a millenium. And I didn't even fill you in on the stuff that happened in the months between January and now! (Oh yeah, Taming of the Shrew...Oh yeah, and Curse of the Starving Class...). Maybe I'll write entries specifically on those shows at a later time. But maybe not. What's the point in living in the past?
In other words, I'll do it if I get really bored. But otherwise, don't expect miracles. It's not Malinzday after all. Yet. Oh yeah, that's another thing that happened over the past semester. I now have a day of the week named after me, during which the weather is inevitably pleasant and people are commanded to be in good-spirits and have crazy amounts of fun. I perform retroactive miracles and make decrees, usually along the lines of "Do whatever you want, it's Malinzday!" I've managed to wrangle up quite a few celebrants. I even have an Apostle of Peace.
So, over the past semester, I've basically become a deity of sorts. Now, that's not blasphemous at all, is it?