Someone forwarded me Jon Lane's "What the CS is doing when he's not working" email. It actually described a fairly light weekend... I didn't have too many weekends like that when I was in office. I know
mhaithaca and
mikesmith0706 and
gibbie69 among others remember the weekends when it was non-stop (preparing for IC, anyone?). As I was chuckling away at the "overworked" picture he was attempting to paint, it suddenly struck me...
"Just in case anyone was curious was the Commander, Starfleet does on the days when he's not working..."
Perhaps that's this admin's biggest fault. Taking a role on the EC is not just something you do in your spare time - 'specially CS, VCS or the respective Chiefs of Staff. It is a full time, second job. It IS work - not something you do when you're "not working". I spent more hours working in the roles of Chief of Comm, VCS and CS a week than I did at my "real" full time job. Thankfully, the "real" job was only 50+ hours a week (I won't even get into the time required to take care of a disabled and bed-bound wife).
Responsibility at that level is not a hobby. You better be ready to put in the time or step away and let someone in who will. Obviously, a lesson those past EC members who currently serve never learned.