Here we are

Jun 13, 2006 00:01

Here i am, now three weeks into our apartment, nearly one out of the 12 months. Dan and mike are attending bartending school this week, and so far loving it. the beer website is actually happening and has alread staked a claim on fridge space. Switching from normal beef to grass fed beef will save the average american over 17,000 calories a year, you would lose over 5 pounds simply from making that dietary change. Of course, the average american also eats 66.7 pounds of beef a year-i thought it would be higher... way to go non beef eaters for factoring in. i bought some fabric for my window cause the blinds seem to lack the ability to function as a light blocked device, and i left it at home after sewing the ends and sewing on some frilly things...i wonder if sewing was originated in asian, the korean city of seoul is similarly spelled and pronounced. i need a rug. tomorrow i'll make a summer running plan for nicole-awesome...i should start up myself...oh and find a 'real' job too. found a possible one, starts in the fall-september, well that is when they'll let you know who they're hiring, before then there is some testing and such of course. the pay is salary not hourly and just above 50k, with full insurance...the commute would be equivilent to playing baseball with a beehive, and i'd only have every other weekend off, but hey that is every other weekend off. ahh intonation is there anything you fail to state...
so at work i was bored a little and started thinking of an evolution theory explaination for orgasms, which led me to further realize that the definition of 'orgasm' needs an overhaul-
or·gasm n.
1. The peak of sexual excitement, characterized by strong feelings of pleasure and by a series of involuntary contractions of the muscles of the genitals, usually accompanied by the ejaculation of semen by the male. Also called climax.
2. A similar point of intensity of emotional excitement.
the problem really is that ejaculation is often termed orgasm, and really it is not; this distinction bears relevance when discussion of the female of the species commences (lol). the key point of seperation is that ejaculation is akin to ovulation, and that while orgasm may occur relative to ejactionactionjackson, well you get the point...
so anyway, what is the point of the orgasm?
i think it is a fine example of positive feedback, well the end (er, climax) anyhow. To reproduce we partake in intercourse, which is a poitive feedback cycle, but why do we stop? when partaking, we eventually cease, not because the friction of the action has finally worn away our skin, (what a world) but rather because our orgasms tell us to stop.
without them, we'd just start and keep going past ejaculation...
so then it makes sense that the male orgams should occur right after ejaculation, cause hey his work is done right...but what of the female?
well, eventually after some time if a male hasn't done his business he must be a faulty male-afterall here he is tiring you out and wasting energy better spent eating and typing on livejournal. so the female orgasm is more a safety mechanism, a fall back or failsafe if you will to prevent an inadequete male from gaining progeny. (progeny, hehe)
hmm, so then reason follows that males should adhor the female orgasm, thus males may have been bread (bread, ha) for speed and selfishness...(sorry girls)

well, i should have gone to sleep hours ago as i wake at 6ish, so long community of the journal
good night
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