Nov 28, 2005 02:45
I find myself looking forward to next semester. In particular to establishing routines. I will have a class beginning at eight each weekday, thus i plan to begin my day by reading the papers in the library till 7:30 at which point breakfast is served. Upon conclusion of my day's classes i will then exercise; and conclude my afternoon with schoolwork, dinner, studying, and peer teach hours. My weekends are completely free; meaning i will be able to spend either or both friday and saturday with friends-assuming someone informs of the weekend plans so i do not feel unwanted and as though i am merely tagging along. Yes, i think this coming semester will be enjoyable.
I also believe i have finally figured out my character. Now i need to simply try him out.
I also must complete my presentation on neural transmission and schizophrenia. I present on thursday, but i must practice in front of my professor before, and be able to make changes...yeah, not sure when that will occur.
Thanksgiving was nice. Met Joe, my sister's boyfriend; he is a good guy. Found an old journal that has not been written in since august two years ago. Had a family picture taken, saw harry potter, slept plenty, read three books in two days, and ate very tasty meals. I thought a friend and i would talk, but we did not. Was lied to by a good friend. Another friend of mine and i did talk for several hours over the break.
I find myself looking forward to winter break soley for the reason that i will then find myself away from this place, everyone here, and with nothing to do. I will miss most everyone. But some have cause me much hurt, and i welcome the physical distance. This semester has really shown me who my friends are-and it has revealed the true character of those whom i prayed were better than i see them now to be.