General plant family update. (g) They all seem to be doing reasonably well, even though I neglected to move them further out into the sun when the sun's angle started to get lower. And...except for the recently-injured golden barrel. See previous post.
I have three saguaros. In order they are my original Mr Peanut, a drug store rescue, and the one I separated from a group set this spring.
These are the Silken Pincushion and Mamm. mystax (aka Grumpy) that were stolen and dumped from their pots earlier this year. They don't seem to have suffered lingering trauma!
The 'bunny ear' Opuntia is looking a bit odd, and it acquired some sort of injury of its own while I wasn't looking, but it's already healed. Probably another lawnmower accident, our neighbor was being nice by mowing our grass but he knocked things about running into the greenhouse a couple of times...
And in order - an Irish Redhead, Thimble cactus, Ladyfinger cactus, Cleistocactus-something and pup, elongated Silver Ball, and an etiolated peanut cactus.
And...not pictured, a Tom Thumb cactus that again suffered sunburn, so he's gonna be staying indoors indefinitely until I figure out where it's safe to put him out there. Sheesh!
My other plants...a pathetic tomato that's -still- doing its damndest to flower and fruit, the 'Texas plant,' my snapdragons and the Gerbera daisy. Which looks like salad. Hm...