What have you learned in SL

Aug 19, 2019 11:38

There was a question posed in the Second Life Forums that asked, "What have you learned in Second Life?" which I thought was worth answering. I wrote:

As some have already said here, I too have learned many skills in building, designing, and creating.

I did fall in love in Second Life. I wasn't looking for it, wasn't really interested in finding it, but it found me. My SL wife and I have been partnered for over 2 years. It is the only partnered relationship I have had in SL in all my years here.

The social aspect of Second Life has mellowed me in both worlds. I have more patience, am less of a knee-jerk response kind of person, and I now let a lot of things roll right off my back whereas before I'd take offense or get into a verbal sparring match. I give credit for that to Second Life, but also to myself for making the effort. I know many who have been in SL as long as me who never changed and bite heads off to this very day. *laughs*

The question was "What have you learned in Second Life?" and in the simplest terms, my answer is that I learned... to learn.  :)


What is your answer to the question?

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