Mar 29, 2010 09:20
So Thursday I leave for Oregon for 10 days. Ian is coming with me and Connor is staying here. Luckily Bruce can work from home so he doesn't have to take very much vacation time. Although he is taking both Fridays off just so he can have some special time with Connor. I think they are going to have a blast. I need to make sure I leave the membership cards with him. Speaking of which I need to call Thanksgiving Point to set up Connor's birthday party, I tried to do that last Friday but the lady in charge of parties was out. How annoying.
I think I'm completely ready for this trip, I have to pack but things are ready. I do have to pick up my sash from the dry cleaner tomorrow (it's my clan sash for Jeanie's wedding). I have the emergency kit all ready though. I just hope I remember everything. I need to call mom and tell her I don't think I'll be able to make Easter dinner this weekend is just too much, I'm not going to have any time to shop. If you read this before I call you mom I'm sorry! I just don't know when I'd be able to get the ingredients!
Ian and Connor are having a rough morning. They both really struggled to go to sleep & stay asleep. The neurologist finally agreed with me that this is a sleep issue and not an epileptic one and that I need to see a kids sleep specialist. So I should be hearing from the specialist this week.
I was sad to learn this weekend that Garnder Village no longer sells Kinder Eggs. *Sigh* There goes my last non internet source. It's back to finding them online and paying outrageous shipping charges. Oh well. Stupid US government and their stupid safety laws that seem to think that Kinder Eggs are part of the Axis of Evil or something. Just :P
On the good news front my window herb garden is doing really well! I knew how much more tasty and flavorful fresh herbs were but I had no idea how ones you grew yourself were even that more potent! My cilantro is amazing! The parsley is almost useable too. I'm liking this a LOT! I can't wait until I have a good crop of dill. I use that a ton, especially with fish dishes.
Yesterday was a rough one for me. I got a new pillow from Ikea that was supposed to be helpful but managed to irritate my herniated disk again so yesterday was pure agony. Luckily Bruce was wonderful and helped me get situated with the heating pad and took care of my church responsibilities so that by last night I was human again. I did miss dinner at my dad's house though. Need to get him his birthday present sometime, I guess after I get back from Oregon.
Ross & Nora are doing well, their baby is so beautiful and so sweet! And so alert! I'm so glad she has her mom there too, her mom is such an amazingly sweet & caring woman.
Ian, except for his difficultness (which I still think is lack of sleep & Kepra issues about 60% of the time, the other 40% is just pure three year old naughtiness), is really an amazing little boy. He has a great memory, this morning he was telling me all about the Easter story (complete with the little props he got in nursery). He also has an amazing imagination. And he is very into monkeys right now. He has 2 of them a sock monkey, named Monkey. And a little soft Gibbon monkey that he has named, wait for it, Gibbs. Which if any of you watch NCIS should amuse you as much as it amuses me. He's very creative and likes to have me tell him stories & he helps me tell them about 50% of the time. I love it! This morning we were telling a story that morphed into something else that I need to write down and work on it. Luckily I'll be in Oregon and have plenty of time after the wedding to work on. I should have it ready for my writing journal when I get back. It started because Ian was really frustrated with Connor and asking why "Connor is so mean". Connor wasn't really being "mean", Ian had been screeching near Connor who is VERY sound sensitive and Connor curled up started rocking & yelling back at him. So I had Monkey tell Ian a story about why Connor SEEMS mean sometimes and it morphed into an intersting social story/sibling story about Asperger's/Autism. It needs a ton of work and refining but I should have it into some semblence by the time I get back so I can get it printed out with some pictures of the boys and into a notebook for them which I think might prove useful for them. Thank goodness for early morning inspiration!
Connor is struggling. We seem to have a lot of this, he'll make a TON of progress and then he'll regress (or attempt to) a bit then more progress, then regress, rinse repeat. He had his first accident in a long time last Friday night. Not even in bed but just sitting on the living room chair. Since then he's done really well and is back to being 100% dry and clean even at night but it's been that fwd/backward with behavior too. I'm hoping some concentrated time with his dad will be helpful they do really well together and I really think it will. I think the time with just Ian will be helpful for his and my relationship as well.
I'm sure there's more that I'll have to write later. I hope to write while in Oregon too, although I might not post, so there may be a clump of posts when I get back, consider yourself warned ;)
ian development,
ian sleep,
connor develpment