Bruce is A Sweetie, my children, well....

Feb 13, 2010 17:59

So Bruce brought home dinner last night and brought me flowers and brought the boys balloons even though he'd already done stuff for all of us for Valentine's Day. It was so sweet! And then this morning he took the boys to Discovery Gateway so I could sleep uninterrupted. It was amazing!

The boys however.... Connor managed to stack and climb a bunch of things in order to get into my paints and proceeded to dump them all over the carpet in the basement. He also put something down the toilet and Bruce had to unclog it. And Ian well Ian has been the most hurtful. He has always been my sweet little boy but for some reason lately nothing I do makes him happy and it's all about the daddy. Bruce can do no wrong and Ian is actually hateful to me when I'm trying to calm him or do something for him, to the point of actually being violent. A few minutes ago I was bawling my eyes out because he told me he hated me for the first time and hit me. All because I wasn't daddy (who was picking up more products to work on getting the paint out of the carpet).

And my cold is getting worse still. Looks like I need to call the doctor on Monday and try and convince them that this is important. I'm so tired of them blowing me off. I know part of it is my fault because I need to be better about not being bullied into understating what's wrong but still. I have to figure out why this stuff goes to my lungs and takes up residence and how to prevent it from happening.
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