So at Christmas TITP hosts a candlelight Christmas and since we're members we can go for free. And we did tonight. And it was amazing! It was chilly but not cold cold and so it just made it very Christmasy, plus all the snow on the ground (although they did an amazing job at plowing the main sidewalks so the snow was nice and atmosphery but not in your way). The boys got to do a ton of fun crafts & they had carolers (all dressed up in old timey clothes), and puppet shows, and the train was running (and it was covered!), and they had letters to Santa, and they had Santa and you could have your picture taken with him and see real reindeer (that cost $5 though and we decided not to do that), but most importantly to me, they had a live Nativity. And it was set up very nicely and amazingly reverently. Connor loved that. We timed it just right that when we went back it was just our little family (I'm still not sure how that worked out as the place was pretty busy but I guess it was just a blessing!) Anyway, we got back there and Connor was amazed by the people there as the Holy Family and I explained what was going on to him, and he asked a lot of simple questions & comments like "you got a baby there? Ohhh a baby Jesus? She Mary? Oooh so cool. Aw sweet baby. So neat" His face said it all though he was very much in awe and so happy. It was a wonderful moment.
Anyway, pictures from tonight and a couple random shots from earlier in the week too.
Ian wants to be just like Daddy and so has his work bag and lunch bag
Ian and the teddy bear Daddy brought home for him
My little men
Standing at the fire pit at TITP Candlelight Christmas
At the Deseret Print shop where they are printing replicas of the first commercial Christmas card (and yes we got to take one home for free!)
Connor ran into his friend Abby from church and had to say hi in Connor fashion (big giant bear hug)
Connor and the Centurion at the end of the live Nativity trail (it was beautifully done!)
Ian jingling his jingle bell at one of the many craft stations (which were also all free!)
Connor making a candy cane & explaining to process to us
They redid all the little play houses in the playground up as elf workshops, it was adorable! Here is one of them.
Ian writing his letter to Santa
Bruce helping Connor write his letter to Santa