Super Yay!!!

Dec 03, 2009 10:14

So it turns out the ward Christmas party isn't until Saturday (I'd forgotten that) and Ross just called and offered to bring dinner up tomorrow night (Nora is going to make enchiladas!) YAY!!!! I feel so loved & spoiled. It's so nice to have siblings who really care. Matthew should be here any minute, the boys are so excited to see him. They've been pretty decent today considering they've been cooped up all week. Anyway, yay Ross & Nora and yay for good family! And yay for having 2 nights that I don't have to feel badly about not being able to cook (I might not be able to go on Saturday but I can send them!) Bruce has been really good about it, but it's a lot to ask of him after a long day at work especially since my coughing (even through an entire floor of the house) has been so disruptive to his sleep. He has been really good with the boys though he made them pancakes last night which they loved and thought was hilarious. He even started a science experiment with them. I got this rock at the dinosaur museum that is called a popcorn rock. You put it in vinegar and let the vinegar evaporate on its own and then it starts growing crystals.


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