A little Catchup

Aug 10, 2009 07:21

So the reason I haven't written is I've been really busy trying to keep the boys cool and busy. Our a/c went out last Monday. We called a company that advertises "same day service" and they scheduled us for Friday..huh? Then Friday I stayed home waiting for them, and they were late, then were late for their late time, then late for the later late time..and finally rescheduled for Saturday all together (which they were THEN late for). *Sigh* However, when we finally DID get a tech he was fantastic. The bad news is though that our compressor is dead. So tonight their sales people are coming over to give us our options. *sigh* I know this is what our emergency house fund is for but....

On the good news front though we really rediscovered our local library system last week. The boys are in love with the library. Ian loves me reading to him, Connor likes discovering little places and things to see (especially our branch that has a new Chinese water dragon). I love that they have so many movies and things. Bruce and I had wanted to catch up on Battlestar Gallactica, but we hadn't seen it since season 1. Well because we are trying to save $ because of the a/c situation we were able to watch a ton last week because our library carries them! So we saw seasons 2-the beginning of 4. So today the boys and I are going back, turning in the last couple of discs we have checked out and get the last couple for Season 4. Then I just have to track down Season 4.5. I also already have a hold in for the new Terry Pratchett book coming out that they have on order..so yay!

Ian has been so cranky lately. Connor has been regressing a lot no matter what I do *sigh*. Luckily, school for him starts September 9 (which seems weird to me why 9 instead of 8?) Anyway, he'll be going Mon-Thurs for 3 hours/day. YAY!!!!! I don't know, maybe I'm a bad mom to be so glad that he'll be gone for a bit, but he loves it so much. And they do such amazing things for him. And Ian gets more one on one attention and despite his "twoness" he's really such a sponge lately and as fast as I give him information he just sucks it up. It's amazing how much he knows about space now and especially recognition of planets in the solar system.

Guess that's all for now.

school district

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