
Jan 27, 2009 09:22

So apparently I was coming down with something which explains why I've felt so ick. Well that and I'm not sleeping..I'm sleeping but I'm not sleeping. I haven't had any quality sleep in a week. Joy! Hopefully, today maybe! :) Ian has an appt with the Primary Pediatric Neurology clinic on Thursday. Apparently because of the family history they wanted to fast track him..and they had had a cancellation so he's going in Thursday. So that's good. I should hear from the school district re: preschool for Connor this week so that's good. I hope I'm over whatever this thing is quickly. The worst part is the inability to regulate my body temperature. I'm so cold that when mom called and talked with Ian he started shivering from having my cold hands touch him while holding the phone for him. I'm sure it will pass quickly though! Hope everyone has a good day!


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