Best Hubby EVER!

Jan 09, 2009 09:42

So it's sad that the only icon I have of Bruce is his simpsonized version..I need to do something about that d'oh! Anyway so yesterday was a rough day. So what did Bruce do? He picked up Cafe Rio for dinner and picked me up cupcakes from this great place downtown called Mini's gourmet cupcakes. They are so tasty and pretty (and the pictures doesn't do them justice because of course I didn't get a picture until AFTER Connor smashed them). Anyway, then he kept the boys busy and got them ready for bed and let me read my book. He's fantastic and I don't tell him that enough!

So today I go in for Connor's final assessment..should be interesting. I'm supposed to fax that over to the school district because they might put him in their preschool program, if not they gave me a number to call for fall enrollment. So one way or another the preschool thing is pretty solved yay! Also this puts him on the district's radar which is probably a good thing.

Nora called last night and she wants me to go to a bridal fair with her a week from Saturday. I'm so excited! Bruce already said he'd watch the boys :) Also tonight I'm going to the temple and I'm finally going to be able to do the endowment work for my Grandma Deane. I cannot begin to tell you how much this means to me. Although those of you who know me well already know. Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend!

Not bad for just having been Connor smashed!

bruce, connor behavior, rosswedding

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