
Sep 30, 2008 09:09

So I got the lists for the invites from both mom and Cameron & Melinda. I just need to get those all laid out and printed. Probably tomorrow night (tonight is Bruce's appointments). I was going to do it last night but Bruce was feeling guilty from missing church Sunday (he was in the middle of bishopric meeting and had to go home because he was so sick one of those 24 hour bugs..but still felt guilty). So I made 3 kinds of cookies yesterday (chocolate chip, snicker doodle, and sugar) and we made some plates and put the kidlets in the wagon and went around to people he needed to talk to. It worked out well the kids had fun, got some exercise, and people love cookies of course!

Also got tickets for Forgotten Carols. That will be a blast :) Also class at DG yesterday went well. Going again today. Been fighting a migraine for 4 days now. First day it was annoying, day 2 was Sunday and it hurt but I had to take care of Bruce and the boys so I muddled through, yesterday I muddled through but by evening I was exhausted and crying..this morning I was already worn out just from the pain and am muddling through because that's my only choice but man I'm so tired from fighting this thing. I know it's a time of year thing (I have an allergy of sorts to leaf mold). But still ugh!

Things are good though :) I'm lucky to have such a great husband and good family and good friends. We're going to go to DG which means the boys will be distracted. Then we'll get home, have lunch, and they'll go down for a nap and I'll attempt to as well. I already have dinner defrosted and just have to pop it in the oven before I go to pick up Bruce tonight. Definitely a MGFK meal night!

Also the boys and I have this new ritual it's kinda fun. When I scrub the kitchen floor they come in, grab wipes, and scrub with me. We chant "rub a dub scrub, rub a dub scrub, I scrub....then say the floor, or the stove, or the refrigerator or whatever..then the "fun to do" song singing scrubbing the whatever as the fun to do activity"..then we chant rub a dub scrub again and switch to another thing to scrub. The boys love it and they really are getting to be OK helpers especially Ian! Connor also loves to cook and they helped me so much with the cookies yesterday (and they loved it!)

connor stories, ian, thanksgiving08

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