Title: One Wish
Author: Kelly Min |
moonshinescribeRating: R (to be safe! rather adult talking, I blame Tony)
Genre: Angst/Humor
Word Count: 733
Pairing(s): Okay, while up-front there isn't any, Tate (Tony/Kate) shippers would enjoy this.
Summary: Tony glanced sharply as the elevator dinged; Gibbs stepping off at rapid speed with Ziva close behind. Quickly, Tony slid back to his desk. As Tony dug himself back into work, McGee couldn't help but let his eyes linger a little more on Tony, before getting back to work himself.
Disclaimer: NCIS is copyright of Donald P. Bellisario, Don McGill and CBS - this includes all minor and major characters that were once in, or still currently in the show. The only thing I can claim is my idea.
Author’s Notes: WARNING; NOT BETA’D. Tony and McGee are alone. McGee asks Tony a question and gets the one thing he didn't expect in return.
It was just Tony and McGee. Lucky them. Silence coiled through them uncomfortably like weeds. Between the two of them was various Chinese cartons, and while Tony was all but inhaling his; McGee was enjoying Cold Sesame Noodles with a pair of chopsticks, quite authentically. Savoring that delicious peanuty taste. )