Best compliment ever

Nov 30, 2010 16:58

In the top ten, anyway.  Our landlady asked me how I kept the glass shower walls so clean!  To be thought clean by a German is like being thought religious by the Pope!

I explained that we use a squeegee after every shower to wipe down the glass.  Imagine me trying to find the word for squeegee in German!  I eventually brought it out and showed it to her, and she came up with the word "Fensterputzer" [window cleaner], but I don't think that's exactly right.  What is?

EDIT:  Thanks to the feedback at deutsche_kultur I now know it is called a Duschkabinenabzieher, if you use it for the glass shower walls or tiles, or a Fensterabzieher if you use it on windows. 

german language, our german life

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