Aug 31, 2010 16:06
I drove up to Wiesbaden today to see what I could find out about possibilities for jobs. None of the people I wanted to see responded to my emails about when would be a good time to visit, so I just dropped in (always a risk, I know). None of them could see me. One was conducting a job interview with someone else for a position I could fill (and well, too). It's very depressing. I left them a little note scribbled across the top of a resume, but if I actually get a response from that, I'll fall out of my chair from shock.
The Army recently decided to tell people who've made the first cut at a job, how many other people they're up against. So for job 1, there are 45, and for job 2 there are more than 80. I suppose I should be happy that I made the phone interview list for job 1, but that's not very joy-full, as I clearly didn't make the face-to-face interview.
I feel unappreciated!
And personal job search aside, the federal government appears not to be able to take advantage of people with appropriate experience who are on the spot. Instead, they'd rather hire people who require lots of money for transportation, relocation, housing and cost of living expenses. Your tax dollars at work....
So I'm back to working in AAFES retail or the child care center, or volunteer work. I can't find any other legal options and am having a difficult time finding the joy in this situation.
I'm not able to play this game the way I can in a private company in the US, and that's what's really depressing.
Or perhaps I should consider Schwartzarbeit [illegal under the table work] (hence the reference to legality in the last sentence).
It's all so depressing.
looking for a job