
May 25, 2006 17:25

howdy people

i haven't written in forever:
i bought a yearbook!! everyone must sign it!<3

today in humanities..oh my. they presented in the wrestling gym..i couldn't hear anything.. Divya tried to french braid my hair but she had no idea what she was doing so i took it out.

let's see first i dances a salsa thing with patrick..but we only knew the first four counts and were just lost for the second half. it was funny. Then was the african stick dance. omg sahith was rediculous. it was like wave stick stomp stomp move stomp lower stick stomp raise stick stomp sway left stomp sway right stomp or something like that..then we learned to "belly dance" except there was like no actually dancing w/ the belly. we went to different stations and at the hip rolling station we went around in a big circle "passing" the swinging hip to the next person.
it was funny

the only hw i had was german which took like 3 min. but w/e!<333

<3 megan

aww and katherine didn't win american idol :'(

and today was elections..ahh i hope i win

i wrote a poem today that some of you will see lattter
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