Because I've had the energy of a sloth for the past few months, I started a new exercise regimen two days ago. Bike one day, run the next was the plan. I "ran" last night, though the rain and super-humidity slowed me down. After lunch today I ran again...2.5 miles at a decent 8:30 minute-ish pace. I know that's not super awesome, but hell, I was damn proud of myself, considering I have not really run in about a year and a half. (I didn't want to go, but a friend wanted to run. I gave up my nap time, nonetheless.)
I'm tired of feeling slothesque and seeing my firmness decrease with age. I'm tired of being tired, so here's my attempt at getting of ye olde arse and getting active.
Everyone kept telling me running not on a track was better, but I was always scared of running too far from home. Surprise, surprise--they were correct.
Those Asics I bought on the cheap a few months back felt good. I'm excited to have a real pair of running shoes!
In other news, my friend Garner is entering the IRONMAN ( next June ( ). That's some serious fitness. I mean, he's pretty bad ass, but he's starting to look like an Ethiopian starvicated skeleton.
In other news, the clarinet and I have become enemies. I need to play some chamber music, pronto.
I'll post more soon. I have to go call Himie Voxman. I'm kinda scared.