Mar 04, 2011 03:08
- 05:22:52: RT @magalyp: Podrás seguir la Conferencia Genero y TIC !!en vivo!!
- 08:51:21: Estoy en el trabajo #1 y se me quedo la flota del trabajo #2 @ gabbie tirame x bbm k necesito un archivo
- 08:51:58: Today I really really don't want to work!!
- 09:18:16: @ leonaut my mom has a 1st gen Ipad and don't think it was worth all she paid. I'm disappointed by this version too :s
- 09:38:57: @ leonaut I liked the android I tried much better and it cost the same with more memory. Sorry not a fan. I'll stick to my laptop still
- 09:53:27: @ leonaut pues entonces menos me vale la pena!! Es muy caro y pesa mas de lo que esperaba!
- 10:25:35: Hey Gaga listen, I like your music (except BTW & Alejandro both crap) but really u don't need all this crazy stuff is annoying! Please stop
- 11:13:38: RT @MariadelMar_M: Las mujeres tienen menos acceso a internet que los hombres #generoytic
- 11:17:57: @ clocuervo saluuudddooo hoy el dia no va bien!! Hablamos ahorita
- 11:58:00: RT @MariadelMar_M: La conferencia sobre #generoytic se está transmitiendo en vivo por
- 11:59:15: RT @MariadelMar_M: Hay relaciones diferenciadas entre hombres, mujeres y la tecnología y los usos que le damos #generoytic
- 12:04:50: Oh please! Is like that every month :p RT @gabbie: Pre-ordered TrueBlood Season 3!! XD (bad month for my credit card :P)
- 12:05:48: @ gabbie te acabo de mandar un email de gotod...
- 12:21:27: @ gabbie what?!!!! In the entire month? Nothing? And you're still alive? Increddible!!
- 14:07:50: This is exactly how i feel!! "Matt Damon calls out President Obama via @huffingtonpost
- 14:36:43: Definitivamente el peor servicio al cliente de este pais es el de Claro!!
- 18:17:56: likes Proud Mary by Creedence Clearwater Revival on Ping #iTunes
- 19:43:08: @ gabbie ohhh pero yo no sabia :( mañana resolvemos eso!!
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