Long, long ago....

Sep 24, 2004 18:32

Please pray for my dear friend Heather...she's a freshman here, and went to the hospital last night I know she's been really sick for a little while, and I really hope she gets to feeling better. I know hoping won't really accomplish anything, but I know prayer will

Please pray for my mom, too...she has bronchitis.

Ok, now, let's see....weird random fact for the day...hmmm....Did you know that the designer of the "swoosh" symbol for Nike was a college art student, and was only compensated $35? The crazy thing is, she named her own price for her work! I wonder if she's still alive, and every time she sees a Nike symbol, she thinks, " I did that. And only got thirty-five stinking bucks for it. And only have myself to blame." There's a moral to be learned in there, somewhere...I'll let you know as soon as I think of one....

Moving on to a deeper topic, I want a consensus.....Who is the best prof on campus (for those of you who go to MVNU)?

I heard today that two galaxies collided...long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away....excuse me as I interuppt myself, lol. Speaking of galaxies, did you ever wonder how we can view the Milky Way (no, not the kind you eat) if we're in it? Think about it. Hmm...maybe it's like an airplane. You're inside of it, so you can't see all of it, but you can just see the very tips...that might work...

Oh, and I finally got an autographed copy of Lex's book...yay! Check out

www.thelonelywinds.com for the basic storyline, plots, characters.... that sort of thing...Him and Mike and I hung out a couple of days ago. That was fun. We should do that more often.

One of my close friends described me as "clairvoyant"...I thought I had a good idea of what it meant, so I looked it up on dictionary.com...here's one of the definitions:


adj 1: perceiving things beyond the natural range of the senses 2: foreseeing the future [syn: precognitive, second-sighted] n : someone who has the power of clairvoyance

Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
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