Новороссия.тв - чистосердечное признание в фашизме

Nov 17, 2014 15:22

В фейсбуке Новороссия.ТВ появился текст, который иначе чем чистосердечным признанием считать не приходится.


Текст на английском языке рассказывает о связях Губарева и ДНР с европейскими (польскими и итальянскими) фашистскими партиями, которые посещают ДНР и участвуют в боевых действиях.

Как такое может быть, спросите вы? Элементарно - боты из новороссия ТВ, похоже, автомаматом перепощивают любые тексты с ключевыми словами "украина" и "фашизм". А как иначе - надо ж всех убедить что в Украине фашисты. Труд непосильный - потому требуется автоматизация. А что ляпсус вышел - так скоро подчистят.

А пока не подчистили:

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Italian fascists from Millennium allied with the pro-Russian right-wing extremists


After the visit of Polish fascists to eastern Ukraine, in support of pro-Russian right-wing extremists of the "Donetsk People's Republic", now Italian fascists from Millennium organization pledge allegiance to the anti-Ukrainian terrorists.
According to Pavel Gubarev, a leader of the pro-Russian extremists and former member of the neo-Nazi Russian National Unity, "anti-fascists" from the Italian Millennium organization has come to Donetsk and will join the "military forces" of "Donetsk People's Republic "under the leadership of Igor Strelkov.

In terms of ideology, Millennium organization is the opposite of the anti-fascism. Its ideology is close to neo-Eurasianism of Russian fascist Aleksandr Dugin with whom Millennium has been actively cooperating already for a few years.

Millennium chief ideologist Andrea Virga, born in 1987 in Casale Monferrato and currently a graduate student at IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy). His thesis is on Falangism in Cuba.
Millennium formal leader is Orazio Maria Gnerre, there is also an editor of Millennium magazine Nomos - Bollettino di Studi e Analisi. Aside from being a fascist, Gnerre like to get photographed with the big guns, as if to compensate for something.

In the summer of 2013 Gnerre participated in the international conference "Russia and Europe: Dialogue of Resistance", which was attended, in particular by the following far right activists, Felix Aleman, Natella Speranskaya, Adriana Ratmiskaya, Anton Zankovsky, Manuel Ochsenreiter, Alexander Dugin, Tim Kirby, and some others. The videos from the conference can be found here and here.

Millennium has worked with Dugin at least since 2012 when they met at a conference in Brazil, but more research must be done at Millennium first contacts with Russian fascists.
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