Aug 02, 2008 13:00
Heya everyone.
Finally I am back.
I got booted off the internet last thurs when I was doing my lastest Hardy update. Lost everything cause I couldn't save it in time. I went to redial and got no dial tone and went to check my phone and all my phones were dead. So I went to my landlord next door and see if it were just me. Turned out it was. People could ring me and I couldn't answer them. Someone rung 13 times yesterday and it was so frustrating.
So long story short. My wires underneath my house were all exposed to water and the dampness (due to the skyman just cutting into my phone wires and leaving them exposed - fucksake and just today I managed to get them repaired
Now I am gonna catch up on everything and everyone later on tonight I think.
Mac <(^-^<)