I lost my virginity last weekend...

Feb 23, 2016 01:09

I have a confession to make. I have never watched Sweet Revenge. Oh, I know the plot, saw all the music vids, even wrote a few related stories. I know Starsky... Starsky... DIES.

So here is my reason. I am an original fan. I was upset that S&H was being cancelled, and when I heard they were going to kill Starsky. Well, I didn't want to see it. Plus, I was married in May of 1978, and had other things on my mind.

I rediscovered Starsky & Hutch last year right around this time.(Valentine's Dayish) I was scrolling among the S fandoms on AO3 and stumbled upon, Starsky & Hutch. I read a story that took place mostly in Hutch's canal house and mentioned The Jungle, all I remember is that Starsky was looking for Hutch because he was upset about a case and he had crime scene photos spread around the house. My memories came rushing back. I was a huge David Soul fan from his Here Come The Brides days. Screw Bobby Sherman, that middle brother, Joshua, stole my heart with his baby blues and silky blond hair and his little gingham lumberjack shirts... Sorry, got lost in the wilds of Seattle for a moment. So I was so proud of my little Joshua when he became BAMF Hutch. I was Christmas gifted the S&H boxed set and the rest is fanfic history.

I watched every episode several times in order. My favorites a bit more. But I couldn't bring myself to watch Sweet Revenge. I kept telling myself the perfect day would come, when I was alone in the house, had several hours to compose myself afterwards and a big box of tissues. After all, it was pretty cool at this point to have an episode you've never seen. Like a present that exploded out of The Time Tunnel. But the day never came.

I made a wonderful friend thanks to Starsky & Hutch. Spencer5460. She is my support system, my super beta, my sister from another mister and the best friend who appeared as if by magic, at a time when I desperately needed one. I love her, dearly. And she invited me to her home for a relaxing weekend get away. I decided it was time. I would give my SR virginity to Spencer. I would come home from the weekend a virgin no more.

Spencer had the room prepared. The black furry futon was piled with comfy throws and coordinated pillows. The lighting was subdued. The TV screen was just the right size. Not too big. Not too small. Just right. She plied me with my favorite drink, vodka and cranberry juice over ice. She had snacks. She had chocolate. And a big box of designer Kleenex.

She dimmed the lights and stroked the remote. She asked if I was ready. I took a few sips of my drink and asked if we could ease into it, maybe watch Survival first. She promised she'd use a slow hand. That she would pause whenever I needed her to. Or even stop and rewind if it came to it. She wanted my first time to be as painless as possible. I asked for another drink.

I was ready. She slipped her disc slowly into the waiting slot. The control was in her hand. I held my breath as she hit play. The theme song swelled, the credits rolled and in the first minute I lost it.

"Stop... stop... please... Spencer! I didn't know PMG directed this!"

That changes everything for me! This episode was like a gift of love from Paul to all his fellow actors. With Starsky out of most of the scenes, his friends could be showcased. Lovingly framed in each scene. What a beautiful ending to a wonderful show. Needless to say I lost it two minutes in. Spencer was very understanding and patient. When I was able, we tried again. I didn't make it very far.

The ping-pong scene blew my mind. First of all. S&H were so happy. Then I noticed Piggy sitting on the floor. These were their desks! And like the banter they always had the ball was flying back and forth. And Dobey was easily distracted. Starsky hits Dobey with a paddle to his chest. Ominous.

The rest of the experience is a little fuzzy. I remember lots of squeeeing and tears and Spencer's calm and steady presence with lots of nods and back pats.

"It'll be alright, mvernet, you're doing really well, for a virgin."


Dobey. Dobey's strength. Dobey's eyes filled with tears. His concern for Hutch. Dobey not eating. Dobey not eating KILLED me. And Huggy trying to keep him going.

Hutch crying in the bathroom. Get me another vodka & cran... hold the cran.

Hutch's voice on the phone. The ping-pong ball.The lighting on his eyes. The camera kisses Hutch in this scene. He looks so vulnerable.

The death. Gaaaaaaaaaaa! It was as terrible as I thought it would be. Hutch wasn't there. We lost him. Then... BANG... Hutch slams into the door and Starsk's heart starts. Oh, yeah, they were just good friends. Squeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Okay, guys. How come no one told me about the talking butts scene. Two fine blue jean clad butts, just talkin' away and no one mentions it! Epic!

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Hutch is reborn! This scene is my favorite. Hutch is totally rejuvenated here. Like a beautiful child growing up free and wild, full of hopes and full of fears, full of laughter full of tears, full of dreams to last the years...

Double Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Yeah, yeah. Just good friends.

The look of love. No denying it.

Don't cry for my lost virginity, Hutch. It was worth waiting for. And just think of what I'll do to you in all my newly inspired SR fics! Oh, is that why you're crying?

sweet revenge, virgin no more

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