101 goals in 1378 days...

Sep 19, 2010 17:44

Or... what I want to do before graduating from medical school.

That's right. My list is finally complete, only a month and a half into the school year. That's okay, I'll manage somehow.

A few notes: Nothing on this list has to do with academic goals. I still have academic goals, but saw no reason to put them on my list. There are a few things related to med school, but nothing academic. I left room for three goals to be added every year, as priorities change and whatnot. Some goals that I've actually done prior to today will not be marked complete unless I can provide photographic proof, as per goal 100. The categories are kind of arbitrary, so the goals don't always fit perfectly in the categories. Sorry. The number in brackets indicates how many subgoals there are in that goal. For instance, I can call 'donate hair' complete after one donation, but it will take 4 donations to mark 'donate blood' complete. Some goals are marked 'Private Goal'. These are goals I do not want to list on my public list (this one), but may talk about under the filter. Depends on how I feel about it.

And finally, this list will only be updated as goals change or are added.

So, without further ado...

Start Date: August 9, 2010
End Date: May 18, 2014 (assuming the world doesn't end in 2012)

Charity/Community Service
1. Donate Hair. [1]
2. Donate Blood. [4]
3. Volunteer. [225]
4. Walk for a cause. [4]
5. Donate funds to nonprofits at least once a year. [4]

Be A Tourist
6. Monticello wine trail. [23]
7. Monticello.
8. Ash Lawn Highland.
9. Montpelier.
10. Blue Hole.
11. Museum Hopping in DC. [3]
12. Virginia Beach.
13. Colonial Williamsburg.

Do Something Random
14. Exchange 5 Mixed CDs with strangers. [5]
15. Post 30 Operation Beautiful notes. [30]
16. Write on the Free Speech Wall.
17. Create a soundtrack to my life. [26]
18. Release 5 books into the wild. [5]
19. Karaoke. [3]
20. Buy a piece of clothing out of comfort zone. [5]
21. Treat myself to dinner, just because.
22. Make a collage to represent me.
23. Send 10 postcards. [10]
24. “A Day in my Life” photo essay.
25. Visit old teachers. [5]
26. Wear a skirt on a nonprofessional day. [10]

Have An Adventure
27. Hike to Humpback Rocks.
28. Catch a flick at the Paramount.
29. UVA Observatory.
30. Find 10 letterboxes. [10]
31. Polo at King Family Vineyards.
32. Carter Mountain Apple Harvest Festival.
33. Snarf all Charlottesville (according to Markeroni). [75]
34. Go ice skating.
35. Watch the sun set from the mountains (location TBD).
36. Visit friends living in 5 different states/countries. [5]
37. Go to 5 home games, any sport. [5]
38. Visit Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Broaden The Mind
39. Have a conversation in French.
40. Have a conversation in ASL.
41. Read a book in French.
42. First draft of Hidden Souls.
43. Go to a stage show. [4]
44. Go to a live music event. [4]
45. Go to a stand-up show.
46. Go to an improv show.
47. Experience another culture.
48. Exchange 5 letters (min) with a pen pal. [5]
49. Discover 5 new artists that I like. [5]
50. Publish writing.
51. [Hebrew] Bible in a year. [39]

Stimulate The Palate
52. Try 10 different types of tea. [10]
53. Try a new recipe each month. [46]
54. Explore Culinary Charlottesville. [10]
55. Host a dinner party.
56. Brunch at The Horse and Hound.
57. Learn to make 2 dishes from a native. [2]
58. Use herbs from an herb garden. [5]
59. Try something new from the Farmer's Market. [5]
60. Make non-dense challah.
61. Find a healthy 'sweet' treat.

Get In Shape (Get Healthy)
62. Couch to 5K.
63. Run a 5K.
64. 100 Pushups Challenge.
65. 100 Situps Challenge.
66. BMI < 25 (weight down to 145).
67. Get a bike.
68. Yoga, morning and night, for a week. [14]
69. Private Goal

For the Experience
70. Private Goal
71. Private Goal
72. Private Goal
73. Have a professional massage.
74. Get nails done.
75. Get hair styled.
76. Go to a midnight showing.

Join the Club
77. Swing Dancing (1 year).
78. MFL (2 seasons).
79. Run for a Muholland Society Office.

Stay Sane
80. At least 1 8-hr (waking) block free time each week. [197]
81. Journal at least once a week. [197]
82. Grand Rounds (or similar) once a month. [46]
83. Go a day without talking about medicine.
84. Declutter. [4]

Clean Up And Look To The Future
85. Back up hard drive monthly. [46]
86. Name all pictures on hard drive.
87. Start Investing.
88. Update CV.
89. Make a Spiritual Decision.
90. Rate all music.

Saved for 2nd year

Saved for 3rd year

Saved for 4th year

For The List
100. Pictures for each of the goals. [94]
101. Monthly Progress Reports. [45]

If you feel inspired now to make a list of your own, please let me know :)

mission 102

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