
This thing is basically my Meme Repository

Aug 19, 2005 18:44

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet nate451? In college. Which means I don't remember.
2.~What would you do if you had never met g_shadow? I'm not sure, but it would suck.
3.~What do you honestly think of nalyd? He's lots of fun. Pity he's on the opposite coast.
4.~Would or did teasmoke and gillen go out? No. Just... no.
5.~Have you ever liked cookiecopperpot? I still do. Wait, or do they mean like-liked?
6.~If funwithfugu died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? Don't Panic.
7.~Would devrat and masterae make a good couple? I really don't see that working out.
8.~Describe dionstarfire in 3 words: Very Hairy and Scary
9.~Do you think kidlacan is hot? Hell yeah.
10.~Would funwithfugu and leicalaika make a lovely couple? They'd be perfect together! They have so much in common!
11.~What do you think of when you see gillen? Um... basically I think of Gillen, and all that that entails.
12.~Tell me something humiliating about masterae: No.
13.~Do you know any of disc_sophist's family members? I... think I met her sister once? And possibly also her parents?
14.~What's cookiecopperpot's favorite color? That's a good question.
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is patashoqua? Very. 9? 10? Anyway, very.
16.~What would you do if askeladden just professed their undying love for you? Be baffled.
17.~What language does teasmoke speak? English.
18.~Who is cbustapeck going out with? guaharibo
19.~Is jayel4192 a boy or a girl? A boy.
20.~Would skogkatt and askeladden make a good couple? skogkatt is mine, bitch. But in the abstract? Sure.
21.~Who do you think cyfeiliorn would be great with from this list? kidlacan
22.~When was the last time you talked to kidlacan? Just the other day. On AIM anyway. Otherwise, croquet.
23.~What is cookiecopperpot's favorite band? I don't really know very much about cookiecopperpot.
24.~Does devrat have any siblings? Um... no? I don't think so? Or maybe she does?
25.~Would you ever date disc_sophist? That might upset jayel4192. And skogkatt, for that matter.
26.~Would you ever date dionstarfire? I can't see that working out, but I'd be glad to help him set up a benevolent monarchy.
27.~Is cyfeiliorn single? No, she's going out with leicalaika.
28.~What is cookiecopperpot's last name? Are you supposed to say last names of LJ users?
29.~What is skogkatt's middle name? Fairchild.
30~What is nalyd's fantasy? I'm really not sure.
31.~Where does jayel4192 live? Maryland somewhere? Is that still true?
32.~Would you make out with nate451? Wow, what an incredibly uncomfortable thought.
33.~Are g_shadow and disc_sophist best friends? I can't quite judge bestness of other people's friends, but they are friends, anyway, which is better than this program usually does.
34.~Does dionstarfire like cookiecopperpot? I don't think they even know each other.
35.~How did you meet skogkatt? We were febbies together.
36.~Is kidlacan older than you? No.
37.~Is leicalaika the sexiest person alive? She's sexy, but not as sexy as funwithfugu
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