The 2004 TeePee Rade

Feb 29, 2004 19:28

Hey just thought id give this funny story its time in history here it goes on Febuary 27, 2004 during 5th period close to the end of the period Mr Bliven the band instructor asked the choir if wanted to got TeePee Harpers room and we all said in unisun "yes!" son since Mr. Harper was home sick we got his room unlocked and started our evil duty HeHe it was th thrill of it all that mad me happy and this is also besides the fact that harper will end up getting us all back also, my little thing for him clicked with it too.

when we got done we said we only used one roll but it ended up being 5 total so i guess to end this i will say i am excited to see what will happen tomorrow and how he will get his payback :) we shall see!!!

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