Joshua Allen

Jul 21, 2006 08:29

Joshua was born at 3:37 AM on Thursday, July 20th. Unfortunately, Joshua was not breathing at the time he was born. Thankfully, the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) had already sent over a team, because the midwives sensed a problem, and so they were able to bag and intubate him, getting him breathing with the help of a ventilator. He is thankfully off the ventilator now, and breathing on his own with a little help from some oxygen, but they are cautiously optimistic. He's got a bit to go yet, a lot of issues creeping up, but the latest encouraging news is that his intial EEG came back normal. This means that the fears that there was substantial seizures going on, is in fact not present. There still could be some brain damage from lack of oxygen, but we won't know for a little bit yet. That being said, he's got good color, is putting on a little weight now, peeing like a good little guy, and sleeping too. He'll be intensive care for around a week they think, maybe more depending on how he responds to things.

Keep Joshua and us in your thoughts, and prayers if you prefer that.

Its amazing how precious and fragile life is, yet how resilient it can be when endangered and with the help of good medical professionals.
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