In what surely has to be the fastest TFL approval on the face of the earth, I got the Sylar/Mohinder fanlisting
It seems like every time I pay attention to Wimbledon, I end up slashing Roger Federer with someone else. 2004? Andy Roddick. 2007? Rafael Nadal.
I wrote part of a Sarkchel fic for the challenge at
the_retelling last night. I'll try finishing it tonight, presuming I don't get distracted. This is a big presumption to make. And once again, I did not start my
rikkai_exchange fic. \XD/
I have a huge to-do list today due to the fact that I got a RFH (request from hell) on Friday afternoon and had to throw my to-do list out the window. I also will be spending the morning in conference calls. It promises to be a thrilling Monday!
I need to post
pot500 since I forgot again.