Being the obviously brilliant person that I am, I managed to walk all the way to work sans wallet and lunch, and had to walk back to get both of those things, as I had to purchase things for people and the corporate credit card was in a burgundy faux snakeskin wallet on my living room floor. Go me!
The cat seemed to be vaguely perturbed at my unexpected reappearance.
Yesterday I bit the bullet and finally wrote about sections for both Shitenhouji and Kenya's fanlistings, which led to
gekidasa asking me why I write the about sections when I so obviously hate it. Answer: I have no clue, except that I like sites that have big beautiful about sections and thus I feel that my sites should have them too, even if I don't like digging through scanlations to verify stuff. I don't mind the writing part. It's the verifying that I'm not into.
There's also the fact that I tend to forget about the scanlations, and just read the raws (aka Looked At The Pretty Pictures).
ANYWAY. About sections! Very long in Shitenhouji's case.
here and