So i got bored and decided to do this...
In 2007,
muzikphan21 resolves to...
Put fifty theme songs a month into my savings account.
Give some concerts to charity.
Tell my family about perfect strangers.
Apply for a new supernatural.
Take evening classes in charmed.
Go to the boys every month.
Here's the scary part:
1) Mom and I caught an episode of 'Perfect Strangers' the other day. THEN, when we were playing 80s Trivial Pursuit, a question she had to ask me was "What was name of the show with the shepard from Mypos?". Which is 'Perfect Strangers' (Balky).
2) Supernatural is one of my favorite shows.
3) Mom, Russ, and I were talking about whether we like or don't like Charmed the other day. (Russ and I do, Mom thinks it is creepy.)