Apr 01, 2006 19:45
haha wow..i cant even imagine the last time i was sick. Well this isnt really sick its more of a throat thing, but i count it. In lindsay land this is as sick as i'll get heh... Queni and eddie were making fun of my coughs on friday but its not like im coughing like that on purpose!! i cant help it if i sound oh so adorable when i clear my throat heh. The one thing that i do enjoy about being sick is the sleeping! oh how i love to sleep..and oooo i took a nap today. it was really really nice, havent taken a nap in ages.
on friday after cleaning my condo and such i left around 630 from the city and headed over to steven house to pick him up. I called him b4 leaving and he was saying he would be home from work in about 10 mins and was going to take a nap b4 i got there. So basically that meant that he would be groggy when i came to pick him up..wee...
but carrying on, i hit traffic on the way there cuz i decided to take 290 straight instead of 90 to 290. bad idea there's always such bad traffic on 290, maybe its just me but it always takes me longer to get home that way. thanks to miss queni for keeping me company while i drove home. It was alittle difficult for me cuz i hooked up my phone via bluetooth thru my car but the mic is up on the roof and im short so im not that close to the it. normally i kinda straighten up the spine, crane my neck, and talk loud, but since im under the weather i couldnt really talk that loud. so when i got to steven's house i rang the doorbell and kinda waited there for about couple of minutes. then his mom came down and was like
"he's sleeping right now."
and i was like "yeah he told me he would take a nap"
she then said something along the lines of 'i hope we can get him up'
when we got into his room it was such an adorable sight..it was him sleeping with the comforter all the way up with just his head poking through and right next to him was his stuffed cow that we got from FAO schwartz on our trip from vegas..PRICELESS! if only i had a camera.. after i took in the cute sight i shoved him out of bed and tried for 30 mins to get him outta the funk of his sleepiness. Once i threw him into the car we headed out to Borders and met up queni, rj, and june and chilled there for while. I picked up a workbook to help me on my character skills and what not. then headed off the fridays and then home.
i think the one of the most memorable parts of the night was when me and queni were looking through the books and then all of a sudden we hear RJ say " i wanna dance with dragons" and we looked over to see if he was crazy or something and saw the Dancing with Dragons book.
it was a good night and now im gonna take a nap...Nite!