that bitch michelle imed me

Feb 17, 2005 21:34

chocktachick: yes,well,you are most welcome to bitch at me here but try not to add you trash to my journal.......y the hell are you still reading it anyway?
MuZicFrEak182: i dont know
MuZicFrEak182: why did u lie to me
MuZicFrEak182: bout Chad
chocktachick: because i wanted you to feel like....oh,i dunno happy,special,.....loved
MuZicFrEak182: so u made up a guy and then liked bout him for 4 months
MuZicFrEak182: thanks to u... my life like got really fucked up... i was fine til u mention this fake guy and then i find out he doesnt even exsist
MuZicFrEak182: and who was the person i was talkin to?
chocktachick: like hell you were fine......
MuZicFrEak182: i was better then i am now
chocktachick: you constantly were bitching to me about being so alone
MuZicFrEak182: no i wasnt
MuZicFrEak182: and i felt alone cuz u and jessica and everyone were leavin me out of things cuz i didnt have a bf
chocktachick: no?
chocktachick: not really
MuZicFrEak182: yes really
chocktachick: you just thought that
MuZicFrEak182: no.. jessica even said it
chocktachick: and anyway you were popular enough
chocktachick: you could have found new peopel
MuZicFrEak182: i was?
chocktachick: yeah
MuZicFrEak182: i wasnt even popular
MuZicFrEak182: dont even go there
MuZicFrEak182: i barley had any friends
MuZicFrEak182: u guys were like my only freinds
MuZicFrEak182: but now thats different.. i guess u can say im popular now
chocktachick: good 4 you...really
MuZicFrEak182: yea... i have more friends then u
chocktachick: oh really?
MuZicFrEak182: yea
chocktachick: u keep thinking that
MuZicFrEak182: well.. i might not have many friends as u, but i do have friends and they would never do that to me wut u did to me
chocktachick: then they must not be very good friends
MuZicFrEak182: no they are...they just know not to like make up some fake guy and make me fall madly in love and then find out that he doesnt exsist
MuZicFrEak182: they are the best friends ever...they would of never done that
MuZicFrEak182: and if they did..they wouldnt of done it for 4 months!!!!
MuZicFrEak182: do u wanna know wut its like to love someone so much and find out they dont even exsist
chocktachick: i only did that to make yo u....hmmmm...maybe happy
MuZicFrEak182: no u didnt
chocktachick: yeah i do ......
MuZicFrEak182: sure
MuZicFrEak182: cuz u know wut.. u get all the u dont even know
chocktachick: u wernt happy when you thought that he was real?
MuZicFrEak182: i was so happy
MuZicFrEak182: and then i was fuckin upset he wasnt
MuZicFrEak182: cuz i thought i found my soulmate
chocktachick: first off i havent had or wanted a byfriend scence ...belh...and i dont think i even like guys ....or girls...for that matter
chocktachick: then u were being very niave
MuZicFrEak182: i was being wut
chocktachick: niave,young minded,overly dramicly obsessive
MuZicFrEak182: when?
chocktachick: "oh chad i loooooove you sooo much!" (swoon)......"even though ive only known you like 1 day"
MuZicFrEak182: i wasnt like that... only like 3 days after
chocktachick: hahaha...was that a joke
MuZicFrEak182: ok..wutever
chocktachick: no seriously
chocktachick: was it?
MuZicFrEak182: well.. u know wut.. im srry if i was like that.. i guess for the 1st time i was happy to know there was a guy out there that liked me.
MuZicFrEak182: and made me feel specail.. but nevermind
chocktachick: THERE YOU GO!! PITTY PARTY!
MuZicFrEak182: well...thanks to u.. my life has been fucked up.
chocktachick: there are tons of guys that would love you to pieces if you had some.....CONFIDENCE!
MuZicFrEak182: i do!!
MuZicFrEak182: i so have confidence!!!!
chocktachick: yes the world is going to end because of me
chocktachick: ok so a better self esteem
MuZicFrEak182: u know wut.. u try being me.. ok.. dealing with everyone in 6th and 7th grade having a bf or gf and me alone and having to hear.. krystal.. go away!! u cant be part of this cuz u dont have a bf
MuZicFrEak182: so excuse me
chocktachick: cry me a river,sweety
chocktachick: im sry that you think that you were the only 1
MuZicFrEak182: well... u know wut.. u didnt have to deal with that
chocktachick: w/out a bf
MuZicFrEak182: u had jason
chocktachick: yeah right
MuZicFrEak182: and all these other guys
chocktachick: PA-LEEEZE!
MuZicFrEak182: so dont fuckin play like that
chocktachick: like he was ever there
MuZicFrEak182: so.. u still got to go
MuZicFrEak182: and hang out
chocktachick: and anyway i was to terrified to even let him touch me that it got real old real fast
chocktachick: oh yeah that was real fun...."so wat do you want to do?...I dunno wat do you want to do.....i dunno wat......"
MuZicFrEak182: so?
MuZicFrEak182: everyone didnt treat u like shit
chocktachick: wat makes you think that?
MuZicFrEak182: cuz noone let me do anything and u all were like get away krystal
chocktachick: it was aful for me! i had at leat 10 lies going at the same time!....i just wanted peopel to like me
MuZicFrEak182: same here
chocktachick: i never siad that
MuZicFrEak182: yea..well jessica did and then u agreed with her
chocktachick: jess never thoguht that
MuZicFrEak182: and so did jake
MuZicFrEak182: and jason
MuZicFrEak182: and sara
chocktachick: who?
MuZicFrEak182: jake, jason, sara, everyone who hung out there
MuZicFrEak182: brandon
chocktachick: bleh...those people
chocktachick: screw them
MuZicFrEak182: yea...those ppl
MuZicFrEak182: well u were part of it too
chocktachick: they need to die
chocktachick: not really they were jess's ppl and i just followed her
MuZicFrEak182: sure..wutever
MuZicFrEak182: wut was the point of this convo anyway
MuZicFrEak182: wut did u really want to say
chocktachick: Dear Krystal, I am most sorry for my vicious actions agenst you and for my poor judgement
MuZicFrEak182: wutever
MuZicFrEak182: i know ur not srry.. ur happy u did it.. happy u made my life fucked up
chocktachick: yeah cause yo uknow thats my secet fetish...fucking ppl up
MuZicFrEak182: its true.. u really did somethin to jason
MuZicFrEak182: he looks really different
chocktachick: i didnt do it was that girl he dated after me...the one who ,like,raped him
MuZicFrEak182: sure
MuZicFrEak182: wutever
chocktachick: fine you just go ask him
chocktachick: or anyone
MuZicFrEak182: umm.. no its ok
chocktachick: hmmm...scared of a little truth?
MuZicFrEak182: no.. just dont see wuts the point
chocktachick: ok
chocktachick: bye noodle noggin
MuZicFrEak182: bye..wutever thats supposed to mean
chocktachick: t playing w/ ya
MuZicFrEak182: huh
chocktachick: NOT 4 U!
MuZicFrEak182: ok...wutever
“chocktachick” signed off at 9:31:59 PM.

u know wut michelle... i wish we were still friends, but since u did that... i dont wanna ever see u again!!! U really dont wanna mess with me!!!!
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