The Blog Action Day-post!

Oct 15, 2007 20:14

 October 15th and Blog Action Day is finally here, so let's take a minute to talk about the environment, shalt we?

There's so much to be said for the environment that I don't even know where to start. But one fact remain the same; We. Have. To. Change.
There are too many people out there who think "What good is my contribution gonna do? Everyone else is already doing something so I don't have to". Imagine if all 6 billion people on this planet thought the same. Mother Earth has given us so much and all we do is pollute and distroy our planet. It's scary, I can't even watch a movie now without thinking "pollution. pollution. pollution...". That might also be coming from my theory books for driving school where it says a lot about pollution and such. Thankfully, the driving schools in Sweden are now gonna teach Eco Driving, which basically means that you get to learn how to drive to pollute as little as possible.

Thankfully there are some people who constantly struggle to get people to change their behaviour. I get so happy when I see people trying to make money to save the environment, or trying to get us to drive less or whatever it might be. And I've noticed some major changes in swedish politics, favouring the environment. Here in Sweden we are working pretty hard to try to stop global warming and it pleases me to see :)

So much has been said about global warming and the environment already so there's not much more left for me to say, but I do want to say this:
Every little thing counts. Whatever it is, big or small, it does make a difference so please, help save our planet! If not for us, for the next generation and the animals who live helpless in this world.

Here is a list of little things YOU can do to help:

Those who are not a part of the sollution are a part of the problem!

environment, blog action day

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