Be ware. Be Weird.

Oct 19, 2010 23:45

    Ancient greeks believed their thoughts to be voice of the gods. It is definitely worthy some respect. Look how situation degradatively changed now.

Our thoughts are messages. They will not leave us alone. Many people try to avoid our thoughts. It is not right  and we feeling it. Alcohol and drugs in familiar used to deny feelings. Its obvious but its not the proper way to use them.

Depending on information that I found I can say that people by nature follow their thoughts. So - whose have power who design and control the thought generation in our head and make them fight against our soul. We are totaly confused thinking of some things that seem to be all fake.

Beware. Be weird.

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All is equal, make your sequel .....damn...learn English well.

Ban television, ban city advertisement for example, ban this post. You have no time to be confused with this shit. You already confused much. Be an advertisement yourself. Be a  livin' symbol of the open-minded personality. Do your little help for us all. There is no future 4 u unless you become it.

Why do You want new salty lays max(hard to write that in such case, they really so tasty, and it is not random), Why do You want that expensive shoes, why left or right, why do YoU know that melody from the latest pop song. Ask urself, think of it and make steps to get rid from that shit in future. I want You all to understand - the battlefield is your mind.
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