(no subject)

Aug 13, 2015 20:08

From wellinghall et al

1. Marmite- love or hate?
I love it.
2. Marmalade- thick cut or thin cut?
Don't really like it.
3. Porridge- made with milk or water?
Really don't like it.
4. Do you like salt, sugar or honey on your porridge?
See 3
5. Loose tea or teabags?
6. Where on your door is your letterbox?
7. What's your favourite curry?
8. What age is the place where you live?
Built 1904
9. Where do the folks running your local corner shop come from?
10. Instant or fresh coffee?
11. How far are you from the sea?
About 20-40 miles, depending on what you mean by 'sea'.
12. Have you travelled via Eurostar?
Yes, several times.
13. If you were going to travel abroad, where's the nearest country to you?
14. If you're female (or possible even some males) do you carry a handbag?
15. Do you have a garden? What do you like growing?
A yard (British usage).  Herbs, vegetables, and anything that flowers in Winter/spring
16. Full cream, semi skimmed or skimmed?
17. Which London terminal would you travel into if going to the capital?
King's Cross
18. Is there a local greasy spoon where you live?
No.  But there is a bakers which sells bacon sandwiches, and a butchers which sells hot beef sandwiches.
19. Do you keep Euros in the house?
20. Does your home town have a Latin, Gaelic or Welsh alternative name?
Latin, also Norse.
21. Do you have a well known local artist or author?
John Thornton (glass painter)
22. Do you have a favourite Corrie character?
No. Don't do soaps.
23. Are your kitchen sink taps separate or a mixer?
24. Do you have a favourite brand of blended tea?
25. What's in your attic if you have one?
Nothing - it is too far off the floor
26. If you go out for a cream tea, what jam do you like on your scone?
Strawberry, normally.
27. Talking of scones- scon or scown? Jam or cream first?
Scone, jam
28. Barth or bath?
29. Carstle or castle?
30. What flavour of crisps do you favour?
31. If you go to the chippie, what do you like with your chips?
32. Take away, take out or carry out?
Take away.
33. If you have one, what colour is your wheelie bin?
Don't have one
34. What colour skips does your local skip hire use?
All sorts.
35. Do you celebrate Guy Fawkes?
Considered bad form here.
36. Dettol or TCP?
Both - dettol for things, TCP for people
37. Do you have a bidet in the bathroom?
38. Do you prefer courgettes or aubergines?
39. In the 'real world', do you have friends of other nationalities? Which nationalities?
Yes, including American, Belgian, Canadian, Danish, Estonian, French ....
40. Do you have a holy book of any sort in the house?
Lots of bibles.  Also penguin translations (or similar) of most major religions
41. Do you prefer a hankie or tissues?
42. Are you a fan of crumpets? What do you like on them?
Yes.  Butter.
43. Doorbell, knocker or both?
44. Do you own a car? What sort?
Yes; Volkswagon lupo
45. What sort of pants do you guys prefer? Y fronts or boxers?
46. Anyone still a fan of suspenders?
47. Do you have a favourite quote from the bard?
I had rather live with cheese and garlic in a windmill.
48. Do you like toasted muffins?
Yes.  With egg and bacon.
49. Do you think a traditional trifle should contain jelly?
50. Do you attend regular religious worship? Of what kind?
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