Apr 01, 2015 22:28
I thought that we were going to be heading south at around 10 tomorrow, and find it isn't til late afternoon.
This is a cause for elation, because I have too much to do (tm).
In the tradition, I give you: the list
BUY EASTER CHOCOLATE FOR EMEMSEC (aaggh! how I am still married, I can't fathom)
Pack for Eastercon
Do 50 mins work for the Heritage Crafts Association
Pack cat vaccination certificates
Contact examiner for RYA VHF course (last heard of 'on a pontoon, near Grimsby')
Get the netbook set up for Eastercon (RYA VHF course software, key documents to work on: business plan, Montserrat heritage strategy, paper on intangible heritage strategies).
Sort out donation of oral history files for the lovely people at MERL
Contact archivist T
Chase last quote needed for the Tolken Society's Heritage Lottery fund bid
Contact all my partners for the Winston Churchill Travel Fellowship
Contact my Indian friends re WCTF
Bonus points
Pack up donation to museum and send to Museum Director, with polite note about having waited 18 months for their collections manager to send me the transfer of title form after agreeing they wanted the stuff, and my willingness - nonetheless - to record my memories of using said equipment. I will refrain from enclosing my CV and advising the director that I am available for interim collections management work, since he clearly has a derth in this area.
Clean bedside table: I could claim that I am experimenting with creating a laquer from cough mixture, coffee and bio-oil, but really, it's just spillage.
Actually write some of the paper.
Thank goodness for the gift of an unexpected Thursday.