(no subject)

Dec 09, 2012 22:14

I should write an update .....

We have decided on the company that will be our letting agents. I have spent much of today finding all the details of where-the-water-meter-is type that they need for the agreement.

Still no job to go to. I had an amazing time at an interview - the four interviewed candidates are part of a mutual admiration club. I am moving forward, very slowly, in setting up a social enterprise, to benefit cultural organizations, that undertakes work for cultural organizations. In part, supply those who are part of local authorities with support to cut through red tape (commercial 'partners' offer this too, of course, but as a not-for-profit partner, I can offer this at at levels which commercial 'partners' would not be interested). www.4culture.weebly.com is the placeholder. Contact me if you need me!

I have bought some Feliway. It is supposed to relax the cats, during transit to Yome, and to acclimatise them, once they are there. I tried spraying a bit on the laundry basket, and it has not seemed to have any effect. They are off for their annual jabs in a couple of weeks, so will try in their carriers then. Otherwise, I shall simply break out the new packet of catnip.

I have a bad cold. I am finding that ibruprofen - at least in the small quantitites I take (only 2 or 3 200mg tablets a day) is not the same as paracetamol for bringing down a fever. One ibruprofen tablet also, doesn't tackle a headache the way two paracetamol do. But on the other hand, the near-continous blood glucose meter (which means I can't take paracetamol any more) is fantastic. I am just hoping that the high blood glucose levels occasioned by the bad cold don't mean that I don't get it ongoing, on the NHS (I'm on a six-month trial: results at 3 months were great, but I worry about the 5 month results).

All so me-me-me.

We approach the year's turning. A time for felicitations in many cultures, including my own. I hope for the gifts of health, wealth and wisdom, and wish for you what you would recieve.
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