Oct 20, 2007 10:29
Thought this may be of interest to some of you
The Temenos Academy
"By Seven Stars and Goldenstone: an Account of the Legend of Alderley"
Alan Garner
Thursday 1st November
Chairman Prof. Grevel Lindop
Venue The Lincoln Centre, 18 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2
Doors open at 6.15pm
Refreshments available / books on sale
Lecture begins promptly at 7pm
Questions 8pm
Concludes 8.15pm promptly
In this talk, the distinguished writer Alan Garner will
describe how, in examining a local oral tradition, a version
of the myth of the Sleeping Hero, told to him as a child by
his grandfather, he was later able to discover the existence
of the Bronze Age on Alderley Edge, which is now, as a
result, the earliest dated metal working site in England.
ALAN GARNER, OBE, was educated at Manchester
Grammar School and Magdalen College, Oxford. His
books include The Weirdstone of Brisingamen (1960); The
Moon of Gomrath (1963); Elidor (1965); The Owl Service
(1967); Red Shift (1973); The Stone Book Quartet (1977);
Strandloper (1996) and Thursbitch (2003).
His many awards include The Carnegie Medal; The
Guardian Award; The Lewis Carroll Shelf Award; The
Phoenix Award of America; The Karl Edward Wagner
Special Award; and First Prize at the Chicago International
Film Festival for writing and presenting the documentary
'Images'. He is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and
Co-Founder of the Blackden Trust.
Note: Alan Garner advises that two of the images he will
Show during his presentation may be unsuitable for some
£5 or £3.50 Members of the Temenos Academy / concessions
Please book in advance using the booking form
Booking and information
Tel 01233 813663
Email temenosacademy@myfastmail.com
alan garner