Jan 07, 2010 19:39
Tonight I made naan bread.
It wasn't as easy as the BBC cookery programme made out - perhaps because of the recipe??? But it was fairly easy, if somewhat time-consuming (10 mins kneeding).
They came out slightly more peppery than I would have found ideal (I used 1/4 teaspoon rather than a 'pinch' of nigella, believing from the name 'black onion seed' that it would taste somewhat oniony)!
Also had difficulty finding anywhere warm in Wome to let it rise. So I was quite surprised how well they came out.
I am going to freeze the other two, and see how well they survive: it seems a fair bit of faff on a week night (although I do like having something to do while ExMemSec skate-boards and snowballs on the wii) but making double quantities and freezing a lot would be no bother.
So there: one ambition ticked off.