It's that time of year again... RS_Games recs!

Oct 01, 2013 22:19

Day 1 - Team Post-Hogwarts
Title: Roses
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Genres: Angst
Word Count: ~2700
Summary: Remus and Sirius find a bench in a park that they choose to be theirs. Life doesn't stay the same as Voldemort rises no matter how much they'd like it to.

A painfully beautiful exploration of R/S's lives after graduation through to James and Lily's deaths. It gets better with every paragraph, and everyone is so in-character. Sirius struck me as especially accurate, and all the little details about everything were wonderful. I'm amazed how powerful a story fit into so few words. Really well done.

character:sirius, fandom:harry potter, rating:g, genre:angst, character:lily, fic rec, character:james, ship:wolfstar, character:remus, ship:thorn and buck, era:first war, fest:rs_games

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