Heya! This is Ally, also known as Muttmix. Iv'e made a new account on here since i can't access the email attached to my previous one (
I'm a collector (pokemon, KH, FF, AC, Portal, etc.), and my reason I started a livejournal years ago was to be part of the Pkmncollectors community. I'm also a musician and am the vocalist and guitarist of a band. I also make cosplays and costumes known as fursuits. I have many pets from dogs, to fish, to retiples, and also love animals! Here are links to my accounts on other sites. Feel free to start up a conversation with me any time you like c:
Sites I frequent:
https://twitter.com/Muttmiix http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lightningvampirewolf/ Other sites I have accounts on:
https://www.weasyl.com/~muttmix http://alexindistrict9.deviantart.com/