Player Information
Name: AO
Timezone: EST (GMT +5)
Personal Journal:
naopalmPlayers Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO:
AIM | dynaomism
Plurk | vyco
Email Address: hipposkhloros @ gmail . com
Former/Other Characters in the RP: N/A
How did you hear about us?: Certain smelly individuals who I will not name coughsqueecoughstridercoughmandcough hinted they wanted canonmates in my vague direction!
Character Information
Name: Gamzee Makara
Canon Origin/Series: Homestuck
School Year: 3rd
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Out of school living location: Near Berwick upon Tweed, Northumberland, England
Blood status: Pureblood
At first a fairly simple troll, Gamzee is the stoner of the Homestuck gang, but it's cool, motherfucker, he's just following what his heart tells him to do. He loves all his great friends, especially his best one, Karkat, and enjoys talking to them and listening to their problems, and that's cool too, bro, the troll disease called friendship is motherfucking beautiful that way.
As member of an obscure cult devoted to worshiping a duo of Rowdy and Capricious Minstrels, he is pretty interested in Clowns of a Grim Persuasion, choosing to both adopt their likeness with make-up and follow the tenants of his cult in every day life. He adopts a lot of clownish personality traits, such as his obsession with horns (not the ones on his head), his failed attempts at the unicycle, his crazy polka dot pants and even his weapon is a pair of juggling clubs. His cult seems to have influenced the way he speaks to, as in how he curses like it ain't no motherfucking thang, and refers to just about everyone as "brother" or "bitchtits" or "bEsT mOtHeRfUcKiNg FrIeNd" oh wait that's just Karkat.
He spends his time kicking the wicked shit and contemplating miracles, which constitutes pretty much everything, since he has no interest in understanding the motherfucking science behind shit. It gets all up in the motherfucking way of the magic of fucking life, and that just ain't cool, my brother. Gamzee doesn't understand a lot of things, but he also doesn't want to, preferring to keep the mystery of life alive so he can bask in its wonder - often with the help of mind altering substances. Because his lusus, or bestial mentor all young trolls have in their youth, lives in the ocean and is almost always out to sea, Gamzee didn't grow up learning important things for young trolls, such as not to consume the Sopor Slime which is in their recuperacoons (a type of bed the trolls sleep in - the Sopor Slime helps to alleviate the night terrors all trolls face in their dreams). He constantly eats Slime Pies, which are so motherfucking delicious brother, and drinks the kickin' wicked Elixir known as Faygo. These things kill braincells, much like certain human advertisements with eggs and frying pans would love to demonstrate to you, and Gamzee as a result is always extremely strung out. He's so far out in space, he's practically in another galaxy, which is also true in a literal sense being an alien and all but that's neither here nor there.
Gamzee enjoys talking to his friends, and seems to consider all of the trolls his friends, gladly greeting everyone who contacts him with words of reverie and also hOnK. He seems to genuinely care about them, and will gladly offer them advice, even if that advice is mostly just to wait for the miracles to happen. He even wants to help Equius out, saying that seeing him smile would be the greatest miracle of all. Even when trolling the kids, he does a pretty terrible job of it, and it mostly ends with Dave showing him videos of the Insane Clown Posse and sending Gamzee into a bLaSpHeMy induced freak out, which is frankly pretty ridiculous. He also has moments of experiencing sadness, such as when his lusus died or when Sollux first kicked the motherfucking shit I mean died.
Of course, this all refers to him when he's receiving a steady supply of Sopor Slime into his system. Gamzee's trolltag, terminallyCapricious is pretty prescient, as when Gamzee turns sober, the truth of his personality comes out. Trolls operate on a hemospectrum caste system, and Gamzee's dark indigo blood is the highest of the land-dwelling trolls, topped only by the sea-trolls, who are considered royalty. As such, he is the most likely of all of them to be violent and unpredictable - which is actually pretty normal troll behavior, especially in the upper classes - and when he is sober, he is exactly motherfucking that.
While his normal text used sTiCkY cApS, when his sober personality emerges, it shows that he is actually split - one lowercase and ONE UPPERCASE. In this form, he finally realizes the Slime was "rotting a hole in his thinkpan," and considers himself :o) (and HIMSELF Do: ) the two messiahs of his own religion and thus his duty to SUBJUGGLATE i mean subjugate the "low-blooded" trolls. He devolves into a violent sociopath with a craving for low-blood fashion accessories, demanding that Equius, who is a pretty high-blood troll himself, kneel before him and choking him to death. It was a beautiful motherfucking miracle as Equius died with a smile on his face. When Nepeta attacks him in vengeance, he even grabs her claws and scratches his own face because WHY THE FUCK NOT. When not slimed up, he's much sharper - at least to the degree it takes to scare the absolute piss out of Karkat and how exactly to bother Equius to distress him, and is more of the "traditional" troll: an alien race that defines themselves by violence and domination to both their kind and others. Really Gamzee's problem isn't that he's going crazy it's that, according to the customs of his species, he's gone dangerously sane.
Canon Background:
Homestuck is the tale of four kids having fun. Well okay maybe not having fun all the time, because when you're playing a game to create a Universe to escape the one that is currently being destroyed, facing off against an all-powerful demon, and being harassed by twelve idiots with horns, there is only so much time for fun. Of course, the kids aren't the important ones in this app, so we're just going to cut to the chase and talk about the most important character in Homestuck.
Gamzee is an alien from the planet Alternia, and is good friends with those other 11 weird Troll kids found milling about all over the place. The highest blooded (a dark indigo) of the land-dwelling trolls, Gamzee lives secluded by the sea with his aquatic Lusus - a giant sea-goat. Because his lusus is aquatic and Gamzee is quite distinctly not, his bestial guardian was not around to teach the young troll important life lessons, such as not typing like a tool, or not eating the Sopor Slime that the trolls use to sleep in. Sopor Slime does funny things to a young troll's head, which is why Gamzee acts like a stoner as he eats his delicious, delicious pies. During his time before the game of SGRUB, Gamzee spent his time worshipping his stupid clown religion, drinking copious amounts of Faygo, bothering his good friend Karkat, having shitty shitty rapoffs with Tavros, and sometimes failing badly at attempting to roleplay subjugglating i mean subjugating Equius, which is kind of creepy.
As a result of Karkat running a virus on his computer, and also possibly part of SGRUB itself (well aside from the universe being destroyed one), his Lusus dies - potentially being killed by Eridan that fuckass. He is a part of the Red Team (which ends up meaning practically nothing but whatever) and hanging out in his world (the Land of Tents and Mirth or LOTAM) with his good buddy Karkat and that scary Jack fellow. His title is the Bard of Fuck I Forgot (okay fine it's the Bard of Rage, but he doesn't actually remember this until later). During this time he talks to Eridan and shares the miracle of the Wicked Elixir Faygo with him, and also hints he's stopped eating pies during this time which basically no one pays attention to.
After a long battle against the boss of their Game, The Black King, during which Gamzee lands some astonishingly strong hits - making up most of the damage inflicted on the powerful boss. This is kind of scary considering that his weapon is a pair of fucking juggling clubs and he never even bothered to level them up at all. Yeeeeeeah. As the trolls reach to claim their prize - the new universe they have created - Bec Noir shows up and ruins their shit. They are forced to make an escape to a distant meteor, hiding in a long abandoned laboratory for their inevitable destruction.
Gamzee pretty much chills out following The Scratch, hanging out in the lab and making it his personal clown-sty and offering naps in his horn pile. But of course, as things often do in Homestuck, everything starts to go to hell in a handbasket and also pear-shaped and possibly even SHIT IS GETTING REAL, as everyone starts to get their MOTHERFUCKIN' MURDER on. Vriska, Eridan, and a Gamzee that is no longer drugged out his mind all end up FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT and killin a bunch of bitches, and then facing-off to some killer Mexican Standoff music with honks. Gamzee has already threatened Karkat, telling him that he's going to paint with all their colors their blood because fuck yeah pictures, and ends up choking Equius to death with a bow. He also probably does something to Nepeta but she is being Shrodinger's LOLcat right now IS SHE DEAD IS SHE NOT WHO KNOWS but at the very least she's been beat up. Anyway, as the three murder bros are facing off, the newly resurrected glowpire Kanaya paps in to save the day! She then delicately auspiticizes between Vriska and Gamzee, by kicking him in the bone bulge so hard he flies out of his shoes and cool new accessories and down into an abyss. This is the last we've seen of him so far!!
Background (AU!Canon; HP):
dogThe youngest of the proud, pure and somewhat distressing wizarding family of the Makaras, Gamzee is the child that everyone tries really really hard to forget ever happened. Left to the care of his elderly grandfather from an extremely young age following the untimely (though not all that unexpected, considering the family's high propensity for violence and also just being generally huge fuckoff douchebags) death of his parents, Gamzee has never really know parental love or guidance.
His curmudgeonly caretaker, known affectionately as "The Old Sea Goat," is a man who can never stay in one place, and as such was hardly even around to care for the dilapidated mansion on the coast, let alone a child. Thus, young Gamzee was left alone to mostly his own devices, and as children left to their own devices are wont to do, he put an awful lot of things in his mouth that don't belong there - including a wide variety of colorful and exotic potions from around the world left willy nilly about the house. While before he was a rather temperamental boy, constantly plagued by night terrors and violent mood swings, following his first taste and subsequent addiction to Soporfication Solution*, his personality took a near 180. Perhaps more unfortunately due to the effects of ingesting things you probably shouldn't, so did his appearance, gaining an almost demonic look including yellowing sclera, grayish tinged skin, pointed teeth, and most notably a pair of goat like horns - which while perhaps a reversible condition with the proper treatment, was an image the young Gamzee decided he liked. He enjoys the fondling the horns. Of course, looking like a demon means you generally don't get out much (though really, it's amazing what people accept when you're wearing clown make up and look stoned out of your mind along with these things. Kids these days and their fads.) and as such, Gamzee doesn't really have any ill feelings towards the muggles in his drugged state, but he certainly has some really wacky misconceptions about them, and when speaking about non-wizarding people he often sounds as if he's referring to an entirely alien species.
If the Makaras weren't a strange enough family already (and despite the purity of their blood, shunned by most of Wizarding High Society), they were also devout followers of an ancient and near forgotten religion (read: cult) based on the worship of two Wicked and Mirthful Messiahs, prophesied to cleanse the world of the non-magical with their Capricious Antics and also Lots and Lots of Violence to create a haven for their pureblooded believers.*** Gamzee is very devout himself and thus paints his face in the traditional style and practices his gamboling and antics and Wicked Rhymes to give praise to his weird shitty Wizard Clown Gods. He especially enjoys fondling the horns. He has spent much of his time, all alone in his house by the sea, learning of the great doings of his ancestor - known now only by his title The Grand Subjugglator. A Wizard of great power and incredible fashion taste, he too had consumed the potion that gave Gamzee his wicked appearance, and the boy was happy to feel as if he was not forgotten entirely by his family (even if the family member he did aspire to was long long dead).****
After the obligatory years of putting up with the young Gamzee gamboling and honking incessantly, he was packed off to Hogwarts as soon as he received his letter. He sees his grandfather these days only on the trips to and from the train station (trips on which the old man insists on briefly enchanting Gamzee to at least appear semi-normal) and the very occasional curt letter reminding him to get rid of the damn horns and stop drinking that wicked shit because just think of the fucking family and your mother would beat your motherfucking hide raw you little shit and did I say letter? Because I meant howlers that Gamzee joyously opens right at the dining hall table and listens to with glee as they bleat colorful language for about 10 minutes straight.
Because of the effects of the Soporfication Solution, Gamzee's violent and cunning persona is subdued, giving way to a dunderhead the personality everyone who knows him is actually familiar with. He's a spacecase and is utterly convinced that everyone - even muggles - have magic in them, and only need the appreciate the miracles to bring it out. Despite his status and family name, he seems to hold no ill will at all towards anyone - regardless of blood or name or purple polka dots - and seems to even forget his own status . . . and house . . . and possibly his name sometimes.
Gamzee is basically a terrible student - he's constantly late for classes (if he remembers to show up at all), he's awful at writing and studying and basically anything involving his brain. His magical abilities are seemingly random - one day he won't be able to perform the simplest of spells, and the next he'll get it on the first try accompanied by an explosion of sparkles and rainbows. While he hardly ever uses them, even as pranks, he's also surprisingly adept at curses. However, he is almost freakishly good at potions - and would be even better if just stopped trying to eat everything.
Also he fucking loves butterbeer. He keeps cases of the stuff hoarded around.
*The Soporfication Solution is based on a traditional drink of ancient Witch Doctors who live on a tiny island off the Western Coast of Africa - or at least they did until the Makaras took care of that. A livid green color and the consistency of, well, slime, Sopor induces a state of being that is so far beyond sleeping, it's coming back around into awake again. In rituals, drinkers would be able to commune with the gods or see them at work in nature, gaining a sense of inner peace and understanding of beauty in the world. Or, in layman's terms, it does funny things to a young boy's head. Gamzee would say it tastes a bit like rainbows.**
**Everyone else thinks it tastes like arse.
***Any similarities to a certain muggle subculture can be attributed to cultural dissemination - after all, it is a centuries old tradition - and maybe just awful luck.
****Of course, how much of the religion and ancestry is true, and how much was made up by a lonely boy drugged out of his silly little mind is debatable. Though it doesn't mean Gamzee believes it any less. days
How would your character fit in to each House?
Gryffindor: While he'd help a friend in need, if he remembered, Gamzee isn't really the classical brave soul favored by Gryffindor. If he's brave, it's more in the capacity that he doesn't have a sense of danger rather than overcoming any fears. He isn't one to go above and beyond the call of what is necessary (and even that is almost a stretch for him), though he's not the type to turn tail and run either.
Hufflepuff: Hufflepuff would be the logical choice for the personality Gamzee shows while receiving his steady supply of Sopor. He's a loyal and kind friend who is always willing to listen to others and try in his own special way to help out, and is certainly tolerant of just about everything. The only lacking trait would be the "hard work," considering that he has a tendency to space out and completely forget whatever it is he was attempting to do before, which sort of makes working hard at anything pretty much impossible.
Ravenclaw: Ravenclaw would be a pretty bad choice for Gamzee, considering his Sopered level of intelligence is probably about on par with maybe a pile of friendly bricks. He'd never even be able to get into the Ravenclaw Common room considering the riddle you have to solve, so I guess if you wanted poor Gamzee to sleep in a hallway for his seven years at Hogwarts you could put him here. More seriously, Gamzee is actually pretty against deep understanding in general - he actively seeks to not learn the science of things, much preferring his miracles and whimsy over any rational explanation. If he's anything, he's certainly creative in his honking?
Slytherin: "Sober" Gamzee is a strong choice for Slytherin, considering his pureblood status, his ability to be a cunning and resourceful murderer insane clown, and arrogance (because what is vain if not naming yourself the messiah of your own religion). He certainly considers himself a pureblood when not drugged out of his mind, and is more than willing to make sacrifices of those below him to meet his ends. He also sees himself as having the duty to take out those he doesn't think of as worthy. And, as a master of many types of weapons in canon (even ones that are frankly ridiculous), he's definitely resourceful.
Sample Journal Entry:
[oh my god Gamzee you write like a tool. It's a fucking mess and the alternating letters sure are annoying, but no matter how many times he's told to write properly, he always seems to forget. At least the purple ink is dark enough it's not such a horror . . . right?]
WhAt ThE FuCk Up My WIzBrOs AnD wItChTiTs
JuSt DrOpPiNg My MoThERfUckIn OcUlArS aLl DoWn ThIs JoUrNaL sHiT i DoNe Up AnD fOuNd
A bRoThEr CaN jUsT bE aLl lOsInG tRaCk Of HiS sHiT wHeN hIs HoRn PiLe Be GeTtInG rEaL bIg, YoU kNoW?
bUt DoN't Be AlL gEtTiNg YoUr SaD oN
cAuSe I'm BaCk NoW mOthErFuCkErS
AnYwAy GuEsS i WaS jUsT gEtTiNg My ThInK oN aBoUt ThAt ThInG wE dOnE bEeN tOlD tO dO fOr
[ink drips on the page while he tries to remember whatever it is he was talking about. Writing sure is hard.]
UhHhH sHiT
oH rIgHT, mOtHeRfUcKiN hIsToRy Of WiCkeD mAgIc
WeLl iT aIn'T gOt ThE wIcKeD iN iT, i DoNe Up AnD aDdEd ThAt
AnD aNyOnE wAnNa HeLp A bRoThEr OuT wItH gEtTiN hIs EsSaY oN?
wE cAn KiCk iT tOgEtHeR jUsT bEiNg LiKe TwO bAd MoThErFuCkeRs TeAmInG uP tO tAkE oUt SoMe WiTcHfUcKeR
wHo Be AlL bReWiN sOmE sHiT wE dOn'T wAnT nO pArT oF
jUsT sNeAk Up BeHiNd HiM aNd ShOvE hIm FaCe FuCkIN fIrSt InTo HiS oWn WiCkEd ElIxIr
TwO wIzBrOs ReAdY tO FuCk SoMe WrITiNg Up YeEeEeEAaAaAhHhH!!!
AiGhT sO iF yOu WaNnA bE dRoPpInG tHaT sHiT wItH yOuR bEsT bRo JuSt Be SeNdInG mE sHiT mY wAy
PeAcE oUt MoThErFuCkErS
hOnK hOnK :o)
Sample Interaction Post in Third Person: [200 word minimum]