So I'm going to do The Stalk from Saga because, well, she's awesome. The biggest problem though are the arms. I have arms. She doesn't. (At least on her torso. I guess she has eight leg/arms on her abdomen.)
My plan for dealing with this is to cast my legs then connect them into my forearms, then cover the tops of my arms with black cloth. Hopefully this will make them look connected to the abdomen + weird and a bit spooky, although we'll see. Also, for fun, I want an arm holding a gun sticking out the back side.
Anyhow, I know where to get casting materials in California, but not Seattle. (And shipment is hard due to freeze issues.) So...I figured why not cast while here? (A good friend offered to help with the process too.) Why not indeed?
I started with the arm as it's the easiest part. Here I am rubbing vaseline all over it...
Then, wee! Here I go, sticking my arm into a vat of alginate...
Next up, plaster leg casts. (I figured that cheap would substitute for perfect in this case. So the results won't be perfect or smooth but meh.)
If I look uncomfortable, it's because it's 50 F in the garage, I'm nearly naked, and I'm covered in cold, wet plaster.
Trying to peel plaster off my hands.
Other leg, cast! I may have limited mobility, but I'm happy to know that I only have to deal with one more cast being cut off!
Of course, I spent most of my time reading and trying to distract myself from cold. It only worked somewhat...
The result is amazingly rough on the outside, but the inside? (Where it counts?)
It's actually really nicely smooth there. Go me!
Although, of course, there was much clean up to be done after...