Fun with Guns

Dec 10, 2012 18:00

So, anyhow, Mr. Crazy is a huge fan of guns. I don't really get it, but men are strange.

Anyway, he recently bought a new rifle and wanted to try it out at a shooting range and invited me along. I've never shot a gun before, but figured why not try something new?, so went along with him.

He started me on a .22, which is apparently a "training" rifle because they don't make a huge amount of sound or have much in the way of recoil. From the way he freaked out about it being balanced *just so* on my shoulder, I figured that I was going to be blasted into smitherines. As it was, the thing made a reasonably quiet "pop" sound, tapped me gently, and then sent a bullet soaring into the target.

Incidentally, it went soaring into the highest point range on the target, just where I aimed it. After hitting a few cm from the X (from about 100 yards away) a few dozen times, I got bored and started aiming at the head instead. Which I hit repeatedly, around the neck, jaw, and straight in the center of the skull.

(Kind of hilariously, Mr. Crazy was like, "WTF? You're not supposed to be that good of an aim the first time you try to shoot a gun.")

Anyway, after slaughtering a piece of paper with a gun mostly known for its abilities at killing vermin (I am Mutive, squirrel-killer! Although come to think of it, that *would* spice up my next hiking trip enormously...), Mr. Crazy asked me if I wanted to try to use his new rifle, one that uses a much higher caliber ammo.

I figured why not, despite that I was terrified I'd blow my shoulder off. (As it made an incredibly loud noise.) Amusingly, it didn't really have much more recoil than the .22 (I think because there was a spring in the butt, or something), and despite that it used an iron sight rather than a scope (and I didn't bring my glasses, so couldn't see the target all that well), I still managed to consistently hit the target in fairly high point areas.

All of which is interesting, as I would not have thought I'd be at all decent with a gun. When, as it turns out, I'm actually a pretty decent shot. Huh.

(Of course, I still haven't tried a pistol. And suspect I'd suck at one of those. There's no way of bracing those suckers, and no sight, so I have no freaking clue as to how one would shoot one and actually hit anything.)

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