Jul 13, 2004 21:39

So bored I decided to fill in an interview for all you nosey bastards.

name: Craig Michael Soden

what do they call you: The Hungarian Beast, Nacho, Fifi...yeah I'm the king of odd nicknames.
how old might you be: 17 as of 2 days ago :)

whens your birthday: July 10, 1987

gender: Male

height: 5'6.

wheres your hometown: East Brunswick

where do you live now: East Brunswick

what grade are you in: Seniorism.

number of houses lived in: 2, but the first one didn't really count cause I was a month old.

number/names of schools attended: Central Elementary, Hammorskjold Middle, Churchill Junior High, East Brunswick High.

first best friend: Mike Burrell

first crush: The Olsen Twins...tragically

first love (or closest thing to love): Carly from summer camp back in the day..

do you still talk to him/her: Nope, vanished after that.

who are you dating now: Single and sorta looking.

who do you like now: A certain somebody...sorta i guess.

name all your old screennames: hypafifi, rpgmasta007, haroendo130.

where do you work: Real Estate office in Hamilton,just for the summer.

who lives in your house: Mum, Pop, Spike (dog), and P.C (cat).

favorite person in your house: Spike

pets: see above.

describe your room: Messy, lots of movie/bike posters. Junk all over the place.

play any instruments: Drums and harmonica

closest friends: Too many to mention.

who do u miss talking to: clue

craziest friend: Kalim.

who do you hang out with most: Eric

whose the funniest: Albert.

whose the funnest to hang out with: Tom, MVA, and Kalim.

who do you never get sick of: Uh.. Michael Jackson.

who knows most about you: Probably Matt.

who have you been friends with longest: Probably Paawan since like 6th grade.

whose in most classes with you: Chris Aff.

who has the best parents: Nick Rugolo's dad rocks.

who has the best house: Paawan---pool table, ping pong, swing chairs from the ceiling, anddd remote controlled blinds.

best car: Mine, who doesn't love a station wagon with hawaiin seat covers?

favorite friend alot younger than you: Freshman, mwahaha.

who is your second mom: Matt Van Auken's definetly.

who lives closest: Eric

---right now---
shirt: Square One BMX T-shirt

pants: Torn up brown dickies.

hair: Short brown and not spiffied up.

shoes: None

underwear: Camo boxers

food: Swedish Fish

drink: White Grape Peach juice.

what do you hear: ACDC

what do you see: My hairy big toe...

---things youve done---
ever been to the beach: Yeah, Seaside rocks during the winter and when it's pissing rain.

name everywhere youve traveled: The Carribean and the entire east coast

name theme parks visited: Great Adventure, Hershey Park, Disney World, Dorney Park.

meet anyone famous: Bernard Purdie, Allan Cook, Jeremy Fanberg, Rob Darden, and Chris Doyle.

have any autographs: Bernard Purdie and Allan Cooke's.

ever kariokee: Once to the beach boys.

do you dance at parties: Helllss no.

been to any sweet 16s: Amanda Carness' and Erika's soon.

been to any weddings: Nope.

ever been in a play: Almost got in A Christmas Carol but damn it sucks to be rejected when you have 1 line and your a poor boy begging.....

talent shows: Never been in one.

ever been to a different country: Yes.

ever been on a plane: Yes, and I detest them.

ship: The Disney Magic, it sucked big time.

train: Only to Hamilton.

bus: To NYC.

ever babysat: Yeah.

ever have sex: Nope

ever watch porno: Like a year ago.

ever swim in a lake: Yes.EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

sleep with stuffed animals: Yes with multiple animals at a time... god that sounds wrong.

do you own a pool: Negative

swingset: Tossed it out.

tv: In my room and the basement.

how did this survey make you feel?: Sucky at life.
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