I haven't posted a meaningful entry since Monday, and even that one sucked. I'll try to make this a good one.
The last few days have been good. Nothing too eventful. Just hanging out with Ali. Yesterday she had cheerleading, so I went out to Dennys with Ash until she was done. Saw K-Mart and Zach there. They were being weird. Anyway, after Denny's Ash and I go pick up Ali, and head over to wal-mart. We take some fun pictures, and buy some tampons and pads. I got to pay for them! It was exciting. Our next stop was toys-r-us. Fun pictures were taken.
Today Ali is coming over after her appointment is over, which should be soon. Tonight we are going to the baseball game, because we're cool like that.
Pictures? Sure.
The Toys-R-Us Adventure: Episode I
Starring Ali and Dustin.
Guest appearance by Dustin's $5.74 hat that was purchased at Wal-Mart
Your heroes. (I really like this picture)
Firefighter Ali!
Tiger Dustin!
A kiss inside of an evil forcefield!
What will happen to our heroes next? Stay tuned, more later.