
Oct 16, 2010 18:54


It almost a month without any new entries!?

Poor me :(

Well... Campus life being so mean to me these days *sobs*
Moreover, I was sick right before the mid-term test which will be held on Monday...
Pls pray me to get well soon ne *bow*

Well... Actually, while activities in campus are so packed, I still download stuffs regularly~
So maybe I'll share a bit fandom rants here *evil grins*

First. I have already been killed so many times by this guy.

(lack of editing skill, sorry XD)

Ohkura Tadayoshi. TACCHON. Don't ask why XDD
It's Eito's latest PV, LIFE, fault!!! How could they make a very truly GREAT and COOL PV... *fainted*
Moreover, each day, Tacchon (and furthermore, Kanjani8) activities becoming closer to Nino (and Arashi :D )
The first one would be because of OHOKU. I love NinoKura chemistry there. Not so into their roles, but more to their senior-junior relationship.
I just have know that Nino is Tacchon's secret admirer! I mean, in some talk interviews, he said that he always watch drama where Tacchon play on it! Starting from Yasuko to Kenji until the latest GM~odore doctor~!

Yeah. I know actually Nino is FANBOYING all of his co-stars in both OHOKU and GANTZ these days. I love Nino X Macchan chemistry BUT... XD

AH, anyways... A bit about GM~odore doctor~, I've watched only until the 5th episode, and... find no clue about Motoki Kensuke (Tacchon's role) story. However. Apparently... in the "next episode digest" part in the of the 5th episode, I GUESS HIS MISTERY IS ABOUT TO BE REVEALED ON THE 6TH EPISODE! :D
I wanna download na~ but have something others in download list.

Second. He stole my heart :3

Sakurai Sho. SHO-CHAN. Again, don't ask why. Because I'm more clueless about why I become loving him so much these days. XD

The last but not least. The person who won't make me down and his sharp pal.

(edited by me. LOVE this pict so much. thanks to arashicrackaday )

I WON'T biasing about MatsuMiya here. I just want to share a bit of they love LOLS

Ninomiya Kazunari. NINO. No matter how you hate him, you'll end up loving him all over again ne... I wonder why... *hugs*

He is TOO BUSY these days! For OHOKU promotion, then Freeter, Ie wo Kau's...
Just hope him to be healthy as always.. :)
DON'T FORGET! The drama will be aired on Oct 19th, 2010 @9PM on Fuji TV!
I really wanted to stream it online... but on Wednesday I'll be having Mathematical Economic and Business Test which I don't specialize so much so--
There will be, not only Nino but also Maruyama Ryuuhei and Yokoo Wataru. LOVELY. Although I don't think they will appear from the 1st episode :3

Aww... JE start to make me more and more interested to those Osaka boys :3

To be determined. Nino's word in Freeter, Ie wo Kau interview.
“If I were to do a part time job, I think I’d be a security guard at a Kanjani8 concert."
NINO! Are you with me (in loving those Osaka boys)??? LOL


!fangirl info, je: arashi, !daily, je:kanjani8

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