Jul 29, 2004 02:45
I hope before the summer ends I get in shape again and relearn the guitar. And here's hoping I get a tan from more than a parking lot (great line Sewell).
Started reading Neal Stephenson's the Cryptonomicon, my first of his. Hey, at least I'm not flaunting Thomas Pynchon or something, like that one Onion bit about the college student on the bus trying to get everyone to notice his reading list! Shit, I guess I am that guy now. Oh well. I just started though, so I have no opinion other than that I hope it has a lot of technical info in it - I wanna learn something, not just experience what it is to see another fictional character discover something akin to the beauty of the waking life whilst living some ridiculously interesting life I can only envy.
Bought Aqua Teen Hunger Force's 1st season today, after discovering that the 2nd season, though awesome, had almost no villains in it. For those who haven't seen the show, the bad guys and the neighbor Carl are the funniest things since Paul Mooney. Carl's the source of every good joke in the 2nd season, which has better production values too (but only 3 seconds of Mooninites, DAMMIT!). Him bleeding in the danger cart is a memory I hope I will keep forever, but I wanna see the stoned german dude talk about the hypnoticon! That better not be in the 3rd season, or the one where all the villains have a meeting, either.
Nothing else but intense reading of blogger coverage of the dem convention. No news on the SJU front about internships, but I'm jealous in a way I'll try to never admit to myself of Matthew Yglesias and the Pandagon guys of the audiences and wit they command at my age. Damn them, and Duncan Black (what a kickass name) and Stirling Newberry, too! John Edwards' speech, to speak of an actual speaker, was as amazing as Chris Matthews' evil hackery right afterward. Makes me even more ashamed to be going to a Jesuit school.
I never swore to myself anything to do for the summer, but I did have a few goals in the back of my mind. One was to let any pretense of working out go (check) for silly convoluted reasons not necessarily related to straight laziness. Another was to write something (sadly, no). Another was to do shrooms, a goal reinforced by what Mario, Doug, and Kaminskas told me about their trip a week or 2 ago. Soon, I hope, my 3rd eye will be squee-jeed open even moreso. What could come of it more beneficial than a deeper appreciation of black light posters and trippy music like the Flaming Lips, Modest Mouse, and Kenna, I dunno. As long as there's less blackouts and vomiting than what they had, and more Zelda-like poking at a fan, Matt-style, everything'll work out.
On that note, no new music but that Maroon 5 single, She Will Be Loved, which will be on the radio nonstop. Good to see a great song on the radio regardless. Badly Drawn Boy has some song out, but I can never get enough of that first song I heard from him, Once Around the Block. DLed another Bill Hicks CD, a Paul Mooney album, and am still looking for Dane Cook's, Mitch Hedburg's 2nd (which is good even if it's fastpaced like the time I saw him with Lewis Black and Dave Atell instead of stoner-timed), and Pablo Francisco and Ron White's full CDs. I think that's all of em. Movie wise Anchorman is one of the best movies ever, on every level, and I can't wait to see the Village and the Grudge (comes out in October or November - why taunt me so? Damn you!). Spiderman 2 also ruled, and I bet there'll be lots of great Doc Ock character development in the deleted scenes of the special edition DVD they'll release that'll make record money in 6-8 months.
Last thing: the Poconos was awhile ago now. I had a great time, especially the drinking night. I should learn how to stop shivering when I'm kinda cold or talking as deep as it goes around here. It probably doesn't look good, however much catharsis I get out of it (which I really do get). That's it for now.