This one's about a dream. Don't bother reading it, just remember the dream movie, Waking Life, and its line (said by its director) that dream discussions are 10 minutes of boredom. Go sign up for Josh's Baseball thing instead, or read Dr. Dolan's review of Tolkien - yet another thing that's scarred my precious sense of aesthetics (I liked the movies and have read the books several times). Here's a take on Harry Potter that I actually had, more or less (but without all the negativity - I've only seen the movies, but I love em) I had the greatest dream last night. I was dreaming something else, but then the world around me got boring, and so I thought to myself, "goddammit, I want more!", and started wondering what I could try in this particular dream world. When this kind of possible dream control happens, I can lose it if I aim too high - as in dream things I've never done, or try to picture people or places too hard (I knew my subconscious was ruining my memory!). But this time, after a quick flirt with going for women, I decided to fly.
So in some generic suburban area, I began to fly. It was great. For those of you who've never just flown in dreams - not falling, not fearfully, just tensed your muscles and flown - then you haven't lived. Take that, irony - sorry, just watched Adaptation, the ending of which was so much better than I expected, and has catapulted it to '1 of best movies ever status' (probably #2, I thought ending would be that he was his twin, but the croc and drugs were even better, I love that multiple twist possibility in stories that open up even more allegorical deliciousness). Anyway, skipping a lot of talking to random friends, none that I can remember, I flew some more. This time it was - and I remember this specifically - flying Vince around to find a liquor store. It's all so vivid still, damn I love dreams!
My mind apparently couldn't hold to a mini Springfield, a prospect I find potentially insightful on many levels, and after flying past a few blocks I got lost, things turned either white or black, until after a minute or 2 at most I ended up in an alternate version of Ocean City, New Jersey. This one was like a Metropolis next to a beach sorta deal - it had many huge office buildings, with a bit of dystopia, but most importantly, I flew (carrying Vince, who never complained) up and down through the twists and loops of a few rollercoasters! It was colored the same as the 1st rollercoaster I ever went on, the tame, shitty blue/gold one in Wonderland Pier (their only 1 till recently, now they have an even shittier one. For babies, I guess). Next to it was another pinkish red one too. The boardwalk was nearby as well, which I dimly recall landing on and walking around.
Sadly, it ended soon after that, the goal never reached. After the coasters, I almost crashed into this huge wall with lots of black/red grafitti - I tried flying above it, but couldn't manage it by just those damn few feet that I'm sure Bruce Willis can identify with) so I went right. I saw a saloon, but that was it for alcohol, sadly. Oh well, next dream - never been high or drunk in a dream before. In fact, I guess you could do that without the stuff - sounds fantastic!
More on that, I hope, next dream. I should stay up for 2 days more often.